Post Playmaker - 2k23 Badge
Post Playmaker - 2k23 Badge Video
Post Playmaker - 2k23 Badge Details
Decent badge for bigs if you have extra playmaking badges and no where to spend them. Will give a boost to shooters when you get an offensive rebound or when you are posting up and pass out
Height | Tier | Height | Tier |
NBA2k23 Playmaking Badges
Post Playmaker - 2k23
Post Playmaker - 2k23 Badge Description
When passing our of the post or after an offensive rebound, receivers are given a shot boost.
Post Playmaker - 2k23 Test Details
For this test we took 200 at different timings throughout the green window per badge level after receiving a pass from a player posting up.
Post Playmaker - 2k23 Test Results
The boost was fairly similar to dimer, which they do not stack because they activate in different situations. But the boost is good, especially at HoF, but it takes a huge investment in Playmaking considering its a Tier 3 badge for bigs
Attribute | Bronze | Silver | Gold | HoF |
Attribute Pass Accuracy | Bronze 0 or 45 | Silver 59 | Gold 73 | HoF 83 |
This table shows how many attribute points you need in order to unlock a badge at the level in the header. If a badge is a Tier 1 badge you do not need any attributes in order to unlock the badge at a bronze level. If its Tier 2 or 3, you will need to meet the attribute threshold to unlock the badge. If there is more than one attribute listed, you only need to meet the threshold on one of the attributes, not multiple.

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