NBA 2K24 Best Build Heights Guide
NBA 2K24 Build Height Guide

In NBA 2K24 the 6'6 build height is starting to look like the best height for most players. We have it as the clear cut favorite that stands out from the rest.
While the 6'6 is looking like the Meta for ball handlers this year, it is not the only viable build height. This year most locks are finding the breakpoints at 6'7 to be more appealing.
There are multiple viable heights for bigs with advantages being clear for all three of the 6'8, 6'10 and 7' heights.
Build Heights to Avoid in 2K24
Some Heights are simply not usable this year because they are too much of a liability on defense and they are too short to get a shot up without it getting contested.
You want to avoid the following heights:

- 5'7
- 5'8
- 5'9
- 5'10
- 5'11
- 6'
- 6'1
NBA 2K24 Best Build Heights
6'3 - 6'4 ProAm PG Height
The 6'3 - 6'4 Build Height is the best build height in NBA 2k24 for pure ball handlers that are looking to run an organized offense and have the luxury of guarding a corner on defense because they are on a team that planned for this.
This is the comp ProAm build height and is not for the average 2k player. You probably will not enjoy this build height very much in park.

For ProAm lineups view our Recommended Rec/ProAm Lineups
6'6 Meta PG Height
The 6'6 Build Height is the best build height in NBA 2k24 for ball handlers in most situations. Generally as a ball handler, unless your job on defense is strictly to guard a corner while your teammates hide you because you are that good as a scoring PG, you should be 6'6.
View our Recommended Point Guards and you will notice that they are all 6'6.
6'7 Meta SF Best Height for Locks and Lockdowns in NBA 2k24
Most locks are opting for the 6'7 height this year whether they play park, rec or comp pro am. If you are not making a lock build, avoid making a 6'7.
6'8 Build Height in NBA 2k24
6'8 is a good alternative to the 6'6 this year if you are looking for a little more size. You get a valuable distribution of attribute poitns at 6'8 because 2k considers you a big but you can play this height more like a wing.
6'10 Versatile Big Man Build Height in NBA 2k24
6'10 center builds are emerging as a great option, especially if you learn to standing meter dunk.
7' - 7'1 Best Big Man Build Height in NBA 2k24
7' - 7'1 Centers are great this year, especially for inside centers. The break points for 7' centers provide a solid boost compared to 6'11 builds or taller 7'2 or 7'3 builds.
Situational Build Heights
Non Meta Build Heights
We consider these heights non meta. This does not mean we think you should remake your build if your height happens to fall in this category, unless you are trying to play competitively. However, if you are reading this page before making your build, avoid these heights.
2K24 6'5 Build
6'6 would be better.
2K24 6'9 Build
6'8 or 6'10 would be better.
2K24 6'11 Build
6'10 or 7' would be better.
2K24 7'2 - 7'3 Build
At this height and weight you will simply be too slow.

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