Custom Jumpers
For these tests we are taking a 200 shot sample every 5mS throughout the green window for a shot. These charts tell us which shots are the fastest and most green while ignoring the new A, B, C and D system in place.
If you have a custom jumper you would like to be tested please submit it below. We may test it and add it to the list of jumpers above.
Speed: Speed is the same as it has always been, how quickly will the ball get out of your hands. The measurement in the table is the earliest possible timing that a green can result.
Green Window: Green Window is the amount of time that a shot can potentially result in a green. For example, if a shot can green from holding shoot 500 milliseconds to 550 milliseconds the resulting green window is 50 milliseconds.
Total Green Rate: Total Green Rate is the percentage of the total shots taken that resulted in a green.
Middle Green Rate: The Middle Green Rate represents a smaller inner green window where the green rate increases dramatically. Every shot this year has a inner green window where the green rate increases to above 50% or more for a multiple millisecond window.
Peak Green Rate: The Peak Green Rate represents a single 200 shot sample directly in the middle of the green window. Can the shot hit 100% of perfectly timed shots? The Peak Green Rate will tell you.
First select 1 or more shots by clicking their checkbox. You can then view their make rate on the line graph to easily compare multiple releases or custom shots.
After picking the shot you would like to test connect a controller via Bluetooth or USB cable and make sure the shot you would like to test is the most recent box checked on the table.
You can then begin taking shots by pressing X/Square and the timings will begin popping up on the screen.