NBA 2K23 Best Jumpshot Tips for Jumpshot Creator : Timing Im Video
Best 2K23 Jumpshot Grades

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Video Transcript:
what is good guys it is spill here back
with another nba 2k lab video i've been
hearing a lot of people are struggling
with shooting so in this video we're
going to take a look at some of the new
shooting metrics introduced in nba 2k
23. more specifically we're going to be
looking at the timing impact and release
speeds to see just how much each letter
grade affects your jump shot if you're
new to the channel man be sure to
subscribe and let's get right into the
we're going to start off by looking at
the timing impact and in the first nba
2k 23 courtside report they had the
definition of this and they said that
timing impact adjusts shot windows to
reward good timing at the cost of an
increased penalty for bad timing now for
being honest it sounds a lot like the
sniper badge that was actually removed
this year so we decided the best way to
test this was to take 200 shots for
every 5 milliseconds throughout the
green window at an abc and d level of
the impact timing these were all wide
open shots on hall of fame difficulty
with no badges at an 85 rating just for
reference now looking at the chart you
can easily tell the difference between
the four grades now a and b seem like
they're tier above c and d and the
effects of timing impact seem to open up
the edges of the green windows so while
the sniper badge may have been removed
it sure seems like the effects of sniper
are still in the game although maybe not
as strong but after looking at this test
we think that timing impact and shot
speed are the two most important shot
attributes when creating a jump shot we
also wanted to look at two different
bases to see if the same a letter grade
for timing impact made a difference and
i'll give you guys a quick hint all
letter grades are not created equally
and let me explain so with the same test
being ran we noticed the shots are
pretty similar it's only two bases and
we'll be testing a lot more throughout
the year we assume that based on the
results different shots will have
different make percentages even if they
have the same shot attribute great we
also wanted to take a look at release
speeds and we actually found a shot that
could have an a-plus rating from slow
all the way to very quick we wanted to
see if there was a difference in those
speeds even though they all say a plus
as you can see even though every tick of
release speed had an 8 plus rating the
speeds of the shot can still vary so
with that information we then check to
see if two different bases that were
both on very quick with an a plus rating
had the same speed and now here's a
graphic of two different shots that we
tested even with the same shot
attributes release speed and release
timing setting shot a is actually about
20 milliseconds faster than shot b after
running these tests we came to the
conclusion that not all letter grades
are created equally and there could be
shots with lower ratings that are better
than higher grades and we should have
some of those on the premium section of but for now we're working
on a project to analyze over 20 million
combinations of base release one and
release two on full speed so while we
set this up we've begun uploading some
of the best jumpers we've found and we
have custom jumper options for every
height now there's definitely a lot that
goes into creating jump shots and it
seems like 2k wanted to see a lot more
jump shot diversity this year and of
course nba 2k lab is here to help so if
you've made it this far into the video
comment the word lab in all caps down
below i want to see who watched the
whole thing through if this video helped
you guys like the video turn these
notice on and i will catch out in the
next video