NBA 2K25 Post Scorer Shooting Tips: Post Fade Badge Stats Video
Post Fade Phenom Badge in 2K25

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Go to NBA2KLab YouTubeWhat does Post Fade Phenom Badge do in NBA 2K25?
Video Transcript:
what is good everybody and welcome to the NBA 2K lab Channel my name is Spill and in this video we'll be going over the Boost to receive from each level of the post fade Venom badge the results may surprise you this is going to be a quick video so don't forget to subscribe and turn notities on for the most accurate badge test and if you're interested to see all the badges we've tested so far for free you can head on over to but without further Ado let's get right into this video the post fade Phenom badge improves a player's ability to make post Fades and hop shots these post fade mechanics have worked pretty well over the years and this year is no different but which level provides the most value and which level should you target we're going to get into all of that right now to test this badge we took 200 shots for every 10 milliseconds throughout the green window for each badge level and without the badge for a total of 12,000 shots the post phades were wide open and taken with a 90 mid-range rating and here's the results looking at the chart the first thing that stands out is silver post fade Phenom in this scenario roughly shows a 10 millisecond pure green window at the center of the green window at 840 in 850 milliseconds the bronze level provides a 5% boost and silver level provides a 10% boost when compared to no badge based off these findings silver looks to be a great value by increasing the make percentage throughout the entire green window as you get to the higher badge levels gold looks to be solid but after the silver level you probably won't see a noticeable impact until you reach at least Hall of Fame and once you get to the legend level the window opens up dramatically especially at that 870 millisecond Mark where we can see an improvement of 122% over the Hall of Fame level Legend Post fade Phenom looks to be really good and the investment to get it is fairly modest compared to the other Legend badges making it an ideal Target if you utilize these post bade mechanics now the badge level you choose ultimately depends on your play style and how often you take these types of shots if it's the main part of your game having this badge on Legend should greatly improve your success shooting for Hall of Fame and boosting to Legend with a Max Plus One also might not be a bad idea if you're trying to budget your attributes it's a tier 2 badge up to 69 and a tier one badge for all Heights beyond that so that's just another thing to keep in mind silver looks to be another great value spot if you don't want to spend too many attributes now I'm not saying you shouldn't Target these other badge levels but the ones I talked about definitely show the most value now that is all we have for the postf fade Phenom badge test if you found this video helpful a simple like goes a long way and is always appreciated thank you all for watching it's been spill and I'm out later