NBA 2K23 How to Green More Shots : SECRET 2K23 Best Jump Sho Vidéo
Best Jumpshot in NBA 2K23
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Transcription de la vidéo:
hey everyone this is Sam and welcome
back to the 2K lab Channel today we'll
be showing you our newly designed
premium jump shot feedback and
recommender to help you clean more shots
so we play this game to Green our shots
and over the years the only information
we really get on how we're doing in
terms of you know our attempts to Green
this is 2K shot feedback and it's just
not enough information when you see the
excellent feedback what it really means
is you have hit a shot within the green
window and this year the blue line
that's 2k23 and those two solid green
lines is the 2k23 green window and if
you hit a shot in there and you get that
excellent timing it could actually mean
you only hit the early part of the green
window right there which is not a great
shot but you can still green but the
best shot is this one where you're right
smack in the middle and that distance
between the early advice back in the
middle that's the skill Gap and we
believe with our new jump shot feedback
and recommended tool you'll be able to
gain the skills and information you need
to achieve this skill Gap so this is how
our recommender work now the link will
be in the description below so you can
connect to our website and it will be
under the premium section and would mean
a lot to us if you consider to support
this project through premium because
that's going to allow us to further grow
this plus continue to give you all the
free information that we always do for
you guys so how this tool works is
you're going to connect your controller
and once you have done that you can
actually take shots through the shot
button and you're going to immediately
get feedback but it's going to be down
to the millisecond so here you can see I
have my PS5 controller plugged in Xbox
works also at numbers I'm taking these
shots I get the immediate feedback and
after 10 shots will give you an average
score and the average score you see
actually has the highest and the lowest
value of the 10 shots removed so the
outliers are gone now but there's more
so now that you know the millisecond or
your average you can actually further
select the base maybe you like to use
and you can pick that base all right so
I picked the Kobe Bryant base here and
once again I'm taking my 10 shots and
I'm trying to get it within the base as
I know naturally because I like using
that bass and I'm just trying to do it
as I normally would green it and as you
can see now I get the average score but
on the bottom I also know the green
window of the Kobe base and which is 531
to 5 80 we'll give you that information
and further down we also going to give
you a recommendation of what kind of
shot timing you should be in in this
case like I met very early based on how
you perform in those 10 shots now if
selecting a base is not your finger you
want a full recommendation you can also
as recommended in your base and in this
case you will have to select a user
height so in let's just say six six for
this instance and you also need to
select a free Pawn rating so let's go
with 80. so once you've inputted those
you want to go back and now take your 10
shots again as you naturally like it
like a rhythm or like a way you like to
shoot your own timing for you know how
you feel most comfortable to repeat
consistently and once you've done that
we'll recommend you a base we'll
recommend you a release and we'll also
recommend you a short timing so all of
this information plus your average score
with those 10 shots with the outline
removed is also there alright so if you
want to try this out link is in the
description below and once again this is
a premium service so if you choose to
support that will mean a ton to us and
so it will help us further grow the
channel and give you all the free
information that we always do on the
tick tock on YouTube on shorts and
everything with Badges and data and all
that all right so as always thanks for
coming by hope you enjoyed this leave it
in the comment section on how this works
for you and how you feel about it and
then hopefully we'll speak to you guys
again very soon