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查看 Lele 在 YouTube2-Way Inside-Out Threat - C
This 7'1 2-Way Inside-Out Threat is an extermely balanced tall center build for 5v5 modes. True to the abilities of a real big man, it prioritizes stops on defense, hoarding boards, and locking down the paint. Accompanied with crisp outlet passes and the ability to finish around the rim, the added touch of shooting makes it one of the more multifaceted bigs that can created.身高 | 体重 | 臂展 |
身高 7'1 | 体重 243 | 臂展 7'6 |
得分 | Req |
得分 近距离投篮: | Req 80 |
得分 场入上篮: | Req 61 |
得分 切入扣篮: | Req 81 |
得分 原地扣籃: | Req 83 |
得分 背身控制: | Req 65 |
投篮 | Req |
投篮 中投: | Req 70 |
投篮 三分: | Req 80 |
投篮 罚球: | Req 70 |
组织 | Req |
组织 传球准确性: | Req 75 |
组织 控球: | Req 40 |
组织 带球速度: | Req 25 |
防守 | Req |
防守 内线防守: | Req 85 |
防守 外线防守: | Req 35 |
防守 抢断: | Req 30 |
防守 盖帽: | Req 92 |
防守 进攻篮板: | Req 80 |
防守 防守篮板: | Req 93 |
身体素质 | Req |
身体素质 速度: | Req 61 |
身体素质 加速: | Req 53 |
身体素质 力量: | Req 90 |
身体素质 弹跳力: | Req 80 |
身体素质 体力: | Req 95 |
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