NBA 2K25 Best Way to Use Cap Breakers 视频
2K25 Best Cap Breakers Guide

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what is good everybody it is Spill here and in this video we'll be going over how capat Breakers badge perks and badge elevators work in NBA 2k 25 I know there's been a lot of confusion about how certain badge perks work and what can and can't raise your maximum potential so I just wanted to cover those things in this quick video to give you a better idea of how it all works now if you're new to the channel don't forget to subscribe and let's get right into it first let's start with the cat Breakers the definition in the Courtside report says that we saw Community feedback that players wanted a way to not only increase attribute ratings above their Max potential caps set at build creation but also have those ratings contribute towards animation badge and takeover attribute requirements that's exactly what cap Breakers do now once you hit starter 3 rep you'll unlock your first five individual c Breakers in which you can apply to your builds attributes wherever you please but there are a few rules that keep the balance for these cap Breakers the first rule is that you can only use up to five cap breakers on any single attribute the second rule and this is the rule where a lot of people get confused is that you can only use a cap breaker on an attribute up to its Max potential rating Allowed by your build's height weight and wingspan which is shown in the my player Builder while allocating your attribute potential so when you get to this build screen right here these are the numbers that you cannot go pass on your cap Breakers so if I set my ball handle on this build to an 86 I could use five of my cap Breakers to get to a 91 ball handle which is the max at 67 and I cannot go past that so if I had an 87 ball handle and I use my five cap Breakers I would not be able to get to a 92 ball handle but going from an 86 to a 91 with those five cap Breakers I would still get the badges and animations that come with it and then the the last rule says that you can't apply a cap breaker until that attribute is fully upgraded now these cap Breakers are interesting because as soon as we unlock them the way we make builds will change for the rest of the Year this is because you can lower your most expensive attribute and round out the rest of your build while using cap breakers on those more expensive attributes another interesting thing is that when using cap Breakers attributes aren't tied together like they are in the Builder which means if you cap break a higher three-point rating your mid-range won't go up with it which saves valuable attribute points when you make the initial build so when it comes to later in the year you can definitely expect to see some insane builds next we have the badge perks and each of these badge perks have two tiers for each level of badges a lot of these are pretty straightforward with some badge perks returning from last year like Winner Circle which increases a badge progression 10% after winning games and Scholar which also increases badge progression by 10% in games finishing with an A minus teammate grade or better these are definitely nice to have because badge progression has been taken a little bit in 2K 25 but thankfully there's no regression and then there's the new badge perks and these are pretty awesome the best one in my opinion is that Max plus one badge perk now we spoke about cap Breakers not allowing you to go past your max potential allowed in the build screen but the max plus one badge perk does allow you to go past your max badge potential the max plus one says boost a badge one level above its Max potential you must Progressive badge to its Max potential before equipping this perk these are unlocked at level 15 and level 30 in each season at the end of the season your badges equipped with a Max Plus One will revert to the original level and then basically you'll have to earn them again in the next season these Max plus one badge perks are an absolute Game Changer and the best part is is that you get one for each badge BGE tier so in making your builds try to find a height with good badge tiers to help you maximize this perk for example Shifty shooter is mostly a tier one badge across all Heights but at 610 and up it's tier 2 allowing you to best utilize that tier 2 Max Plus One a great tool to check the tiers between Heights is our badge tier unlocks tool at this tool tells you every badge tier for every height and then don't forget to check out all the other free tools NBA 2K lab has to help you make builds now something I've been doing to maximize my builds is to Target a Hall of Fame threshold to eventually use my Max Plus One to get it to Legend This saves you valuable attribute points and allows you to round out your build while still getting your desired badge level just make sure you get the correct threshold for animations and the other badges that you want now the last perk which is a nice addition is the Synergy perk this allows you to essentially steal badge progression from someone else on your team that uses that same badge a lot during the games for example I play a lot with KOA and he utilizes the Shifty shooter badge pretty frequently so when I play with him I set my Synergy perk to Shifty shooter so I can also gain progression from KOA using that same badge lastly we have the badge elevators and these are pretty simple and useful in the sense that they are basically just floor Setters from NBA 2K 24 except this year they work just slightly different the quide report says that badge elevators can permanently boost an individual Badge of your choice up to three levels within this Max potential for example if your badge is currently at bronze but has a max potential of Legend it can immediately be boosted up to three levels from bronze to Hall of Fame you can't use an elevator on a badge that's already maxed so make sure to use them when possible to play with Max badges sooner you also have to make sure your attribute is upgraded for the necessary badge levels before for applying it now that is all for this video drop a like if you found it helpful or informative because I know there's a lot of people confused about how each one of these new badge features work and if you have more questions I'll try to be answering them in the comments down below but until next time it's Ben spill and I'm out later