25 Useful Tips on NBA 2K25 MyPlayer Builder 视频
2K25 Top 25 Tips for Day 1
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here's 25 useful tips to help you make the best possible build on day one of NBA 2k2 be sure to watch the whole thing through and I guarantee you'll have a better idea of what you want to make and how you want to make it before you play the game drop a like comment or sub it goes a long way toward our next goal of 500,000 Subs we appreciate your support now let's get right into it these tips are in no particular order but starting off with tip number one in the Builder is that in order to maximize certain builds you'll want to look for build Heights with good tier 2 badges if you want to best utilize your max plus one badge perk you'll hear me talk a lot about this Max plus1 badge perk as it's the only way to extend a badge level past its maximum potential and you get two of them so you get one for tier one and one for tier 2 some good examples of good tier 2 badges are paint patroller at 68 or shorter Shifty shooter at 610 and taller posterizer at 611 and taller Limitless range at 71 and taller if you want to look at the entire list of badge tiers by height we have a free tool at nba2k.com that should be live by the time this video ends and I'll leave that link in the video and in the description down below a lot of people might not know this yet but the driving dunk attribute cost the cheapest when making 68 and 69 builds I went and put 87 driving dunk on every height in the Builder that I possibly could and here's what the overalls look like at each height as you can see the 68s and the 69 had the cheapest hit to your overall followed by 66 67 610 and then 7t and in general Duncan cost a good bit more on smaller builds but we'll talk about those in a little bit did you know that cat Breakers in the max plus1 badge perk can stack so try to to plan out your builds accordingly to get the most value out of it for example if a 99 3o costs three or four more toward your overall as opposed to just going with a 98 3point planning to use a cap breaker or two can save you valuable attribute points if you don't mind waiting to unlock them and then an additional tip and it's an important one you can't use a cap breaker to go past your max potential your max potential is the highest rating that your build allows which is shown on the screen before the main Builder when you pick your wingspan weight and height the only way to go above your max potential when it comes to badges is by using your max plus one badge perk Timberman had another post about dribbling that says strength is needed if you want to win physical body up interactions and one of the most important things when making a build in NBA 2k2 is to make sure to increase your agility for off ball movement I recommend increasing this attribute so you don't feel too sluggish on the court lockdowns especially need agility for the on ball Menace badge and Sharpshooters even need agility for Shifty shooter but all builds should have at least decent agility if possible did you know post control is very cheap on 69 builds I put 85 post control on four different build Heights and it looked like this the post control on a 69 was Far and Away the cheapest out of those four Heights it seems like gone are the days of post control being extremely cheap on shorter builds this is a random tip but the shortest height you can get 99 driving dunk is 6'4 which means 63s and Below don't have access to the most elite dunk package in the game also 64s cap out at Hall of Fame unpluckable with a 96 ball handle so the only way to get Legend at 64 is by using a Max plus one now this might sound crazy but a 99 3-point rating and a 99 ball handle on a 59 build is very cheap compared to all other builds build Heights I put both of these attributes to 99 just by themselves and I still have five overall left to work with which leads me to my next tip which is smaller builds in general have more attributes to work with the new paint patroller badge AKA anchor is now available at 66 with a Max badge level of bronze in 2K 24 anchor was only available to 67 builds and taller another thing to mention is that highflying Den maxes out at the silver level for 66s as well and now we're about halfway through and 67 builds with minimum wingspan and Max plus one badge per can unlock gold Limitless range whereas in 2K 24 they only had access to Silver if you move to 66s they can now get Hall of Fame Limitless range also by utilizing the max plus one badge perk this requires you to have at least a 67 wingspan or shorter with a 93 3point rating now contrary to popular belief many people have been saying that we'll be given more attributes to work with and while that's mostly true for most Heights with my short time in the Builder it felt like Wing builds seemed pretty similar in terms of the amount of attributes that were given here's a 68 build in 2K 24 compared to the same build in 2K 25 both both of these builds have nearly the same exact attributes with 25 only having a slight Edge then if you remember the immovable enforcer badge it was very powerful in 2K 24 it's now a tier 2 badge for all build Heights in 2K 25 and then for my lockdowns I made a 67 pure lockdown build with 99 perimeter and 99 steel only which capped out at a 83 overall which doesn't leave much room for anything else so again planning for and gaining cap Breakers can be very valuable when trying to maximize the value of each build I also tried to get on ball menace to Legend in combination with Legend immovable enforcer but I wasn't able to because of the agility restriction at this height and weight combo and then if you're a stretch from 68 to 73 just know that your Limitless range caps out at bronze unless you plan on using your max plus one another tip I thought that was interesting was that wingspans have been nerfed in almost all Maximum wingspans have been shortened by 1 to 2 in for example a 69 used to have a Max wingspan of 7' 7 in but now in 2K 25 it caps out at 7'5 in this next tip is a good one and rebirth bills max out to the highest players over all here's a screenshot from Zack Timberman and this one just dropped and it's actually a gem so now you don't have to grind out the overalls for every single player you make he says rebirth Works differently in 2K 25 your initial Max overall with rebirth will be equal to the highest overall rating you previously reached these next five tips will be lists you can easily reference to help decide on your first build or help decide between Wings spans and badge levels and first up is the 2K 25 badge height requirements I'm going to run through these lists pretty quickly and talk about them if I see something interesting but feel free to pause or take a screenshot next we have the absolute Max three-point rating for each build height and we can see 65s again max out at a 99 while 66s also didn't change with a Max potential three-point rating of 94 then we have the maximum mid-range rating for each height and for some reason the 610 caps out at a 93 mid-range while 69 611s and 7f Footers still have a 94 mid-range and you can also see a nice jump from 69 to 68 as well next is the max ball handle for each height which can only tell us so much until we find out the animation requirements and then lastly I made a list of the max three point and mid-range ratings for each height as well while having a maximum wingspan this will be especially useful for defensive builds you can reference these caps with the free badge requirements tool at nba2k.com where it shows you the thresholds for each badge level and that is all we have for the 25 useful tips I hope this video helps you make more informed decisions about your next build and if you found this video helpful or useful don't forget to drop a like And subscribe for more NBA 2K 25 content thanks for watching everybody it's been spill booy and I'm out later