NBA 2K23 Best Shooting Badges : Agent 3 Badge is TIER S 视频
Best Shooting Badge on 2K23
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Go to NBA2KLab YouTubeWhat is the Best Shooting Badge in 2K23?
what is good everybody it is Spill here
and welcome back to another NBA 2K Lab
video and this one we're going to be
taking a look at one of the best
shooting badges in NBA 2k23 and that
Badge of course is Agent three now this
badge is super powerful just based on
how much it activates and of course the
Boost is pretty good as well and we have
the numbers on that but before we get
into the video if you're new to the
channel be sure to subscribe and turn
those notifications on for more badge
tests like this and without further Ado
let's get right into it
thank you
the agent 3 badge description states
that it improves the ability to make
pull-up or spin shots from three-point
range so it's strictly a three-point
badge and you can see the badge level
thresholds down below we recently made a
tearless video and put this badge in the
S tier as one of the few Elite shooting
badges in 2k23 this badge activates on
almost any type of three and you can
think of it as stop and pop rhythm
shooter and circus 3s minus the step
backs all rolled into one badge that
means it activates on dribble pull-ups
hop backs stopping and shooting and if
you want to see every activation for
this badge and even shots that don't
activate the badge leave a link down
below for that video but for this test
we took 200 shots for each 10
milliseconds throughout the green window
at each badge level and of course
without the badge and the chart we came
up with actually looks to have some
interesting points starting at bronze it
doesn't have a huge effect if any but
you can see a slight boost on The Late
timings toward the edge of the green
window but really bronze doesn't have
too much of an effect looking at the
silver level though you can see a
sizable Boost from bronze where the make
percentage is increased roughly five
percent at the center of the green
window silver agent 3 has really good
value and by needing just an 83 3 point
it's not a huge invest to unlock it
moving on to the gold level the center
of the green window doesn't quite see a
boost from Silver but where you will see
a large Improvement is that the edges of
the green window meaning that having
this badge on gold will be even more
forgiving when it comes to your jump
shot timing if you take fades in these
agent 3 Type shots getting your
three-point rating to an 89 for gold
agent looks to be an optimal spot now
lastly we have Hall of Fame and when
comparing it to the gold level we see
just a slight boost throughout the
entire green window of about one to
three percent and it's pretty costly to
unlock at a 96 3 point that's a big
investment for a small boost and because
of that we don't recommend making a
build that strictly aims for Hall of
Fame agent now there are some badges
that will help improve the effectiveness
of agent 3 and something like blanders
will definitely help increase your make
percentage by giving you less contests
and these two badges seem to have direct
Synergy now to get Hall of Fame blanders
you need a 97 three point so if you're
pairing these two badges that might be
something to consider also if you're
taking a lot of shots of course volume
shooter would be a good badge to pair
with it as well and if you see a lot of
greens Green Machine could also be a
good option to help with consistent
makes now something to note is that
space Creator does not stack with agent
3 as that combo would just be absolutely
ridiculous that badge is more for moving
step backs and like I said earlier we'll
leave a link Down Below on what
activates this badge and what does not
now that is all we got for this agent 3
video if you made it this far into the
video comment which badge level you'll
be using or even if you're using this
badge at all and if this video helped
you be sure to leave a like don't forget
to turn on notifications to stay up to
date with all the latest badge info it's
been spill I'll catch you guys in the
next video later