NBA 2K25 Jumpshot Release Speeds & Make % Changes 视频
Jumpshot Release Speeds & Make Percentages in 2K25

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what is good everybody and welcome to the NBA 2K lab channel in this video we'll be taking a look at the make percentages and timing difference for each release speed in the custom jump shot Creator our goal by the end of this video is to help you get a better idea of which release speed is best for you some timings can see up to a 10% make percentage difference compared to the others and we're going to get into that right now don't forget to subscribe and turn notifications on because this is the only Channel giving out this type of data now on the screen you'll see the make percentages and the exact timing of each release speed and the respective green Windows this was all done with the same jump shot to get the clear differences between each speed first let's start with how fast each option speeds up your jump shot this is just one test for one specific jump shot but the results can be taken as a general guideline as you can see there's a 70 millisecond difference from the fastest to the slowest release speed which means each tick of release speed Chang the shot speed by an average of 14 milliseconds slow and normal only saw a speed difference between each other of 5 milliseconds while all the others change by about 20 or 25 milliseconds but not only do the shot speeds change when picking a release speed the make percentages throughout the green window can fluctuate as well now for this chart we put each release speed at the same timing to see where the window changes throughout the shot the most consistent percentage change came from the 535 millisecond timing where each timing showed a 2 to 3% difference albeit they were all mixed up now at this specific timing normal release speed shows a peak make rate of almost 70% while the slow and very quick option only show a make rate of about 58% that 12% difference is pretty significant when it comes to being able to consistently make your shot now at this point you might be thinking you should be using normal speed but keep in mind this is at the 535 m second timing which is at the early edge of the green window because if we take a look at the middle of the green window right around 550 milliseconds you can see that the very quick option seems to reward people for being able to time their jump shot perfectly by showing the best Peak make percentage of any release speed the slow release speed is surprisingly right next to it with 81% make but we don't advise going below normal shot speed because going any slower will allow Defenders to contest your shot pretty easily looking at the three most popular release speeds you can see that the floor gets higher when going to normal but the ceiling isn't as high as the faster release speeds if you feel your shot timing is fluctuating maybe try normal speed but if you feel your timings are very consistent try using quick or very quick depending on how comfortable you are with your shot slow and very slow release speeds are generally too slow to get a shot off and we recommend staying away from those speeds now that is all we have for this release speed and make percentage video I hope this helps you guys out and if you found this video informative a quick like goes a long way and is greatly appreciated thank you all for watching it's Ben spill and I'm out later