All Badge Descriptions 2K23

All NBA2K23 Shooting Badge Descriptions

AgentImproves the ability to make pull-up or spin shots from three point range
AmpedReduces the penalty that fatigue has on a player and their ability to make shots
BlindersJump shots taken with a defender closing out in their peripheral vision will suffer a lower penalty
Catch and ShootFor a short time after receiving a pass, the receiver's outside shooting attributes get a significant boost
ClaymoreIncreases the ability to knock down perimeter shots when spotting up patiently
Clutch ShooterShot attempts that occur during the final moments of the 4th quarter, or in any overtime period, receive a large boost
Comeback KidBoosts shooter's mid-range and three-point abilities when trailing in a game
Corner SpecialistDeep range shots taken along the baseline of the court receive a boost, whether it is off the dribble or off a catch
DeadeyeJump shots taken with a defender closing out receive less of a penalty from a shot contest
Green MachineGives an additional shot boost when consecutively achieving excellent releases on jump shots
Guard UpIncreases the ability to make jump shots when defenders fail to properly contest
Limitless RangeExtends the range from which a player can shoot three-pointers effectively from deep
Middy MagicianBoosts the effectiveness of pullups, spin shots, and fadeaways from the mid-range area
Slippery Off-BallWhen attempting to get open off screens, the player more effectively navigates through traffic
Space CreatorIncreases a player's to both hit shots after creating space from the defender, as well as cross up an opponent on step-back moves
Volume ShooterAfter a player has taken a small handful of shots, an additional boost to shot attributes is given for every subsequent shot, whether it's a make or a miss

All 2k23 Playmaking Badge Descriptions

Ankle BreakerWhen performing stepbacks and other certain moves, the defender stumbles or falls more frequently when biting the wrong way
Bail OutPassing out of a jump shot or layup yields fewer errant passes than normal. Additionally, helps passing out of double teams
Break StarterAfter grabbing a defensive board, deep outlet passes made up the court are more accurate. Passes must be made quickly following the defensive rebound
Clamp BreakerImproves a player's ability to fight off contact, protect the ball, and drive by opponents as the ball-handler
DimerWhen in the half-court, passes by Dimers to open shooters yield a shot percentage boost
Floor GeneralTeammates receive an offensive attribute bonus when player is in the game
Handles For DaysA player takes less of an energy hit when performing consecutive dribble moves, allowing them to chain together combos quicker and for longer periods of time
HyperdriveIncreases the speed at which a player can perform moving dribble moves as the attack down the court
Killer CombosImproves a player's ability to chain together efficient dribble moves when sizing up their opponent
Mismatch ExpertImproves the players ability to beat taller defenders off the dribble in one-on-one situations when they're switched onto them
Needle ThreaderWhen passing through a tight window between defenders, a boost is given to the player's passing ability
Post PlaymakerWhen passing our of the post or after an offensive rebound, receivers are given a shot boost
Quick First StepWhen driving out of a triple threat or after a size-up, ball handlers have access to quicker, and more effective, launches
Special DeliveryIncreases alley-oop throw success and shot chance for receivers after a flashy pass. Additionally, it enables the ability to throw alley-oops off the backboard
UnpluckableDefenders have a tougher time poking the ball free with their steal attempts
Vice GripIncreases a player's ability to secure the ball against steal attempts after obtaining possession from a rebound, catch, or loose ball

All 2k23 Finishing Badge Descriptions

AcrobatSpin, hop step, euro-step, cradle, reverse, and change shot layup attempts receive a boost. Additionally, the ability to beat defenders with gathers is improved
Aerial WizardIncreases the ability to finish an alley-oop from a teammate, or putback a finish off an offensive rebound
Backdown PunisherAllow players to have more success than normal when backing down a defender in the paint while posting up
BullyImproves a player's ability to initiate contact and get to the rim on layups attempts
Dream ShakePost move fakes have a higher chance of stunning a defender. Also, shot attempts following post fakes, shimmies, and shot fakes have an increased shot percentage
DropstepperAllows for more success when attempting post dropsteps and hop steps, in addition to protecting the ball better, while performing these moves in the post
Fast TwitchSpeeds up the ability to get standing layups or dunks off before the defense has time to contest
Fearless FinisherStrengthens a player's ability to absorb contact and still finish. Also reduces the amount of energy lost from contact layups
Giant SlayerBoosts the shot peprcentage for a layup attempt when mismatched against a taller defender and reduces the possibility of getting blocked
Limitless TakeoffWhen attacking the basket, a player with this badge will start their dunk attempt from father out than others
MasherImproves a player's ability to finish well around the rim, especially over smaller defenders
Post Spin TechnicianAttempting to do post spins or drives results in more effective moves, and less of a chance to be stripped
PosterizerIncreases the chances of throwing down a dunk on your defender
Pro TouchGives an extra shot boost for having slight early, slightly late, or excellent shot timing on layups. Layup timing must be turned on
Rise UpIncreases the likelihood of dunking or posterizing your opponent when standing in the painted area
SlitheryIncreases a player's ability to slide through traffic, protect the ball from being stolen, and avoid contact during gathers and finishes at the rim

All 2k23 Defense / Reb Badge Descriptions

AnchorIncreases a player's ability to block shots and protect the rim at a high level
Ankle BracesLowers the likelihood of getting ankle-broken by opposing dribble moves
Boxout BeastHelps rebounders win boxout battles on both offense and defensive rebounding situations
Brick WallIncreases the effectiveness of screens, is tough to backdown in the post, and drains energy from opponents on physical contact
ChallengerImproves the effectiveness of well-timed contests against perimeter shooters
Chase Down ArtistBoosts the speed and leaping ability of a player when he is chasing down an offensive player in anticipation of a block attempt
ClampsDefenders have access to quicker cut off moves and are more successful when bumping or hip riding the ball handler
GloveIncreases the ability to successfully steal from ball-handlers
InterceptorThe frequency of successfully tipped or intercepted passes greatly increases
MenaceWhile guarding and staying in front of an opponent, their attributes will drop if good defense is being played
Off-Ball PestMakes players more difficult to get past when playing off-ball, as the can grab and hold their matchup and don't get their ankles broken as often
Pick DodgerImproves a player's ability to navigate through and around screens while on defense. At the Hall of Fame level, can blow through screens in the park or blacktop
Pogo StickAllows players to quickly go back up for another jump upon landing. This could be after a rebound, block attempt, or even jumpshot
Post LockdownStrengthens a player's ability to effectively defend moves in the post, with an increased chance at stripping the opponent
Rebound ChaserImproves a player's ability to track down rebounds from farther distances than normal
Work HorseIncreases a player's speed and ability to get loose balls over the opponenet

All 2k23 Attribute Descriptions

Close ShotAbility to shoot when standing still out to 10 feet from the basket. Helps post hooks, and is also use to determine the ability to make standing alley-oop and putback layup attempts
Driving LayupDetermines the ability to successfully complete regular, contact, alley-oop and putback layup attempts while moving towards the basket
Driving DunkDetermines the ability to successfully complete regular, contact, alley-oop and putback dunk attempts while moving towards the basket
Standing DunkDetermines the ability to successfully complete regular, contact, alley-oop and putback dunk attempts while standing under the basket
Post ControlHelps determine success when performing spins, drives, drop steps, and other moves from post position. Used along with strength and size to determine the ability to back down a defender
Mid-RangeDetermines the ability to make shots of all types from mid-range distance, including post fadeaway attempts
Three-PointDetermines the ability to make shots of all types from three-point distance
Free ThrowDetermines the ability to sucessfully make free throw shot attempts
Pass AccuracyAbility to throw the ball on target in all types of passing situations, such as bounce, chest, lob, overhead, flashy and alley-oop passes
Ball HandleDetermines skill while dribbling the ball, both in terms of moves allowed and securing the ball from steal attempts
Speed With BallAffects how fast the player can run or sprint while dribbling the ball
Interior DefenseDetermines the ability for the player to defend the paint both on and off the ball, as well as contest shots near the rim
Perimeter DefenseDetermines the ability for the player to defend the perimeter both on and off the ball, as well as contest shots from outside
StealAbility to intercept or deflect passes and steal the ball from opposing ball-handlers in all situations
BlockDetermines the chance to successfuly block shots of all types
Offensive ReboundAbility to grab Offensive rebounds. Along with vertical, unlocks rebound content to reach the ball more easiliy on missed shots. Helps determine ability to box out or navigate around box outs
Defensive ReboundAbility to grab Defensiverebounds. Along with vertical, unlocks rebound content to reach the ball more easiliy on missed shots. Helps determine ability to box out or navigate around box outs
SpeedAffects how fast the player can run or sprint around the court
AccelerationAffects the speed at which the player can move in short bursts and when taking off from a stand-still position
StrengthDetermines who wins a contact battle and helps dictate how successful a player will be when backing down or being backed down in the post, both with and without the ball
VerticalUsed as a gate for dunk animations, and in combination with attribute counterparts, allows a player to jump higher on rebounds and blocks
StaminaAffects how quickly a player loses energy and fatigues while running, sprinting, taking contact and performing various moves on the court
NBA 2K24 Best Jump Shot

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