Best Dribble Moves on NBA 2K25: Speed Boost Testing EVERY Dr Video
2K25 Best Dribbling Style

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Transkrip Video:
what's up everybody this is kza and welcome back to another 2K Lab video once again dribble Styles play a huge part in your movement and speed boost so we know how important that can be so in today's video we tested them all and we will be ranking all dribble Styles and putting them into a tier list to help you guys sort out which ones to try using for yourself real quick I wanted to mention that our first batch of tested custom jump shots has released and is currently on the website of course we're testing more now so comment your favorite jump shot down below and if we see a common jump shot you may get it tested and put on the website as well with all that out the way drop a like on today's video And subscribe to the channel for more informative content like this let's go ahead and get into it up first we'll go over two dribble styles that have yet to be released we have dearn Fox dribble Style with an insane cross launch and a very nice burst to the ball hand as well you will have to be under 6'4 for this one and at least a 90 spew of ball spoiler alert if this stays just like this this will be no doubt the best dribble style in the game after that we have Tyrese Maxi which you also have to be under 64 but you will only need a 70 speed with ball this dribble style would be a lower tier compared to the other dribble Styles we'll be going over in today's video now Anthony Edwards the requirements are under 64 and a 76 bu of ball this triple style will find itself in a lower tier due to how ineffective his burst to the ball hand is and that pairs up with an average cross launch as well this one finds itself in a low tier Austin Reeves has a requirement of under 69 and a 70 speed ball with an average to maybe above average cross launch and a mid burst to the ball H this one will also find itself in a lower tier on to something better the SE white dribble Style with a requirement of under 6'4 and an 85 SP ball this one has a solid cross launch animation with an average speed boost towards the ball hand compared to others this will land and maybe to a mid to a mid High tier Damon Lillard with a requirement of under 64 and a 91 SP of ball this requires high ratings and it's hard to justify why with an average cross launch and a below average speed boost this one will land itself in a lower tier for sure one of the best dribble Styles in the game right now deer Garland with a requirement of under 6'4 and an 85 SP of ball this is one of the best burst to the ball hand animations with an average to below average cross launch if you can focus on using the burst towards the ball hand side with this dribble style this will land itself into the S tier Deonte Murray with a requirement of under 69 and an 86 speed will ball the cross launch with this one is pretty solid but it's paired up with a pretty bad speed boost towards the ball hand this would be a mid tier compared to the other dribble Styles Devon Booker coming in to save the tall guards with a requirement of under 69 and an 80 speed with ball this one has an amazing cross launch with a solid speed boost toward Wards the ball hand with this low of a requirement this can be a real solid budget option Landing itself into the A2 Donovan Mitchell with a requirement of under 64 and an 80 spew of ball this one is below average going both ways this being the same requirement as the Devon Booker one we just seen makes this one go all the way down to the bottom tiers John Mor with a requirement of under 64 and 85 SP ball he gets an average to above average maybe cross launch with an average burst to the ball hand leading this to fall somewhere in those middle tiers Jaylen green with a requirement of under 69 and a 7 5 speed ball has an amazingly fast cross launch the only problem with this is the cross launch animation is super wide so it could be tough to implement this with multiple Defenders on the court pinching your sides pairing with an average-ish burst to the ball hand this will still land itself in the mid to Mid High tier James Harden with a sleeper dribble style requiring you to be under 69 and have a 75 Spiel ball this one gets a solid cross launch animation and an average burst to the ball hand this one may be worth looking at for the low speed with ball guys Landing itself some in the mid tier Jaylen brown with a requirement of 65 to 69 and an 85 speed of ball this is one of the best speed boosts that the tall guards get towards the ball hand side paired with an average to below average cross launch low this will land itself somewhere in the mid to Mid low tier Jason Tatum with a requirement of 65 to 69 and a 75 speed with ball this dribble style is quite average all around with nothing overly great or too bad about it Landing itself somewhere in the mid to Mid lower tier just under Jaylen Brown Kevin Durant dribbl style with a requirement of being at least 65 and up in a 65 Spiel ball this one gets below average launches towards both sides Landing it somewhere in the lower tiers but don't worry we have another option to go with for this speed with ball rating Kyrie Irving with a requirement of under 64 and a 94 speed with ball this was amazing last year but that's not the case this year his cross launch is usable but his burst to the ball hand side is completely reworked and below average lending this in a mid to lower tier lamelo ball with a requirement of under 69 and an 80 SP of ball this one gets a below average cross launch in terms of speed but some people might like this because it's the momentum crossover paired with an average burst to the ball hand this is definitely a mid- tier dribble style for most people LeBron James with a requirement of 65 to 69 in a 75 spel of ball he has an average cross launch but his burst to the ball hand actually blew my mind with how bad it was this man's getting old putting his animation in the bottom tiar Luca with a requirement of under 69 and an 80 spew of ball this one gets an average cross launch and a below average speed boost towards the ball hand we already seen better op options to go with in today's video at this threshold so this will land somewhere in the mid to lower tier Russell Westbrook with a requirement of under 64 and an 87 SP ball this is arguably the fastest burst towards the ball hand in the game competing with Darius Garland and dearen fox he has an amazing burst to the ball hand with no extra animation to slow it down this one lands itself right next to darus Garland and Yan fox in that s tier Steph Curry with a requirement of under 64 and a 91 SP of ball this triple style gets an interesting burst towards the ball hand with an average to below average cross launch leading it to be somewhere in those mid tiers Trey young with a requirement of under 64 and a 90 spew a ball he gets a solid burst to the ball hand with an average cross launch this is a solid dribble style but I don't think it hangs with those top dribble styles on the game that being said it'll go just under that s tier in that A2 tyes Halbert with a requirement of below 69 and a 79 SP ball he gets average to below average animations both ways leading this animation and not being able to compete with its competitors this will go in the lower tier for sure Zack leavine with a requirement of under 69 and a 75 SP ball this one has a very solid cross- launch animation and can be a very nice budget option for a dribble style paired with an average speed boost towards the ball hand this is still a valid option at that 75 speed ball threshold leading it to be in the mid to high tier and last but not least the Zion Williamson with a requirement of 65 to 73 and a 60 speed ball this one gets an amazing cross launch and even I use this on my 67 build even with an average burst to the ball hand this is definitely a higher tier dribble Style especially considering the requirement but that wraps up this dribble style tier list let us know what you guys think and what dribble style you have been rocking on your build and at what height and rating while you're down there be sure to drop a like And subscribe for more informative content like this as always it's been kza and I'll catch you boys in the next one