Blinders - 2k23 Odznaka

Blinders - 2k23 Badge Video

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Blinders - 2k23 Badge Details
Should I use Blinders or Deadeye? Activating Blinders is a little bit more common than Deadeye but activating both is possible this year while it wasn't possible in 2k22.
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NBA2k23 Shooting Badges

Blinders - 2k23

Blinders - 2k23 Badge Description

Jump shots taken with a defender closing out in their peripheral vision will suffer a lower penalty.
Comp Guards
If contested shots are inevitable because of the quality of defense you play against than target this on gold.
25+ Shooting Badges
Take Blinders over Deadeye if you're trying to choose between the 2.
Everyone Else
There are going to be better, CHEAPER, options
Blinders - 2k23 Test Details

Activating Blinders is a little easier this year than last since there is so much crossover with deadeye's activation. To test the boost the badge provides we set up a script to take 200 shots every 5 milliseconds throughout the green window of a contested shot.

To create the correct contest angle we have the script take a step to the side before shooting. This results in a 10-20% contest when the defensive controller has a rubber band on the right stick pointed straight up.

Blinders - 2k23 Test Results

The results show a clear boost on Hall of Fame. Is this worth targeting? It really depends on how defined your role is. You will need 97 3 ball for it which is a large investment and will require you to make sacrifices in other areas, especially since you will likely be pairing this high 3 ball with high playmaking.

If your teammates are not going to hide you on defense and let you shoot >50% of the shots on offense than this badge probably is not worth targeting on Hall of Fame. The return on Gold is solid and where we generally recommend players take this badge.

Mid-Range Shot
0 or 65
Three-Point Shot
Badge Unlock Table Details

This table shows how many attribute points you need in order to unlock a badge at the level in the header. If a badge is a Tier 1 badge you do not need any attributes in order to unlock the badge at a bronze level. If its Tier 2 or 3, you will need to meet the attribute threshold to unlock the badge. If there is more than one attribute listed, you only need to meet the threshold on one of the attributes, not multiple.

NBA 2K24 Best Jump Shot

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