NBA 2K23 Shooting Badges : Is 2K23 Clutch Shooter Badge Wort Wideo
Clutch Shooter Badge in NBA 2k23

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what is good everybody it is Spill here and welcome back to another NBA 2K Lab video and this one we're going to be taking a look at the clutch shooter badge in depth to show you how exactly the badge triggers how big the Boost is at each badge level and if it's worth using an NBA 2k23 if you're new to the channel don't forget to subscribe for the best and most accurate badge videos for 2k23 and without further Ado let's get right into it foreign [Music] definition of the clutch shooter badge says that shot attempts that occur during the final moments of the fourth quarter or in any overtime period receive a large boost we're going to first talk about how and when this badge activates because there's a few rules you need to know in order for the clutch shooter badge to activate in the park one team needs to have at least 15 points and the deficit must be within 8 points so this means that the earliest the clutch shooter badge can activate in the park would be at a score of 15 to 7. now either team can benefit from this badge whether you're on the winning or losing end and the Boost only applies to three-point and mid-range jump shots in the wreck this badge also works on free throws and I believe it's the last two minutes of the fourth quarter and overtime period so in any case though this badge would get a lot more use in the park than in the wreck but before we give a recommendation for this badge let's talk about the Boost clutch shooter has been one of my favorite bronze badges in years past due in large part to its insane boost at just the bronze level the last time we tested this badge was actually in 2k21 and as you can see a six percent boost at just the bronze level is about the same as turning your meter off in 2k23 so back then and it was well worth the Boost and gave a great return on investment but how does the badge fare in 2k23 we tested the clutch shooter badge in blacktop and use the player with an 83 three-point rating for this test we took 100 shot attempts for every 10 milliseconds throughout the green window for each badge and without the badge for a total sample of 2500 shots that triggered the clutch shooter badge as you can see from the graph the Boost isn't nearly as significant as it used to be if we look at the earlier edges of the green window there's barely a five percent Boost from no badge to Hall of Fame which is a small boost for the amount of badge points spent now the boost on bronze is about two percent which is a big drop from the last time we tested it like I mentioned that was about six percent and there's no boost to the center of the green window and the largest part of the Boost comes at the later Edge which is not even a 10 Boost from no badge to Hall of Fame now our recommendation would be to skip this badge because the Boost is negligible and it won't activate in enough situations to justify the investment however since it is a tier 1 badge across all Heights it might make sense to use it with your leftover badge points but make sure to prioritize your best badges first now that is all we have for the clutch shooter video if you found it helpful don't forget to drop a like it's been spill and I will catch you guys in the next video later