NBA 2K24 Best Shooting Badges: Green More Jumpshots with Ope Wideo

2K24 Open Looks Badge

NBA 2K24 Best Jump Shot

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NBA 2K24 Shooting Badges: Open Looks

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what is good everybody it is Spill here and welcome to the NBA 2K lab channel in this video we're going to be taking a look at the brand new shooting badge open looks this badge improves the player's ability to make wide open shots and any game where many people can't shoot this seems like a badge you might want to Target but with the gold level requiring an 86 mid-range or an 88 3-pointer this isn't the easiest investment to make so in this video we're going to be going over each level of the open looks badge and also go over when it does and doesn't activate so if you're new to the channel be sure to subscribe for the best 2K data and let's get right into it [Music] now I know shooting has been a little tougher this year but with the open looks badge it can make life a little easier when shooting these open shots this badge can only activate when you're wide open so it doesn't work on open contest but this badge can stack with Limitless range making those deeper shots slightly easier to hit it works for regular Fades and different types of shots but it doesn't work with post Fades hooks or hop shots for this test we took 200 shots for every 5 milliseconds throughout the green window for each badge level and without the badge for a total of 7 000 shots for this open looks badge test looking at the chart bronze of course shows the biggest boost here but we tested each level with an 85 three-point rating and we expect more defined results when we rerun this test at the proper thresholds so stay tuned for part two but what we can see from this test is that the gold level looks to be a potential sweet spot for this badge while the Hall of Fame level shows a solid boost at the early and later edges of the green window until we re-run this test I don't think bronze is as powerful as it shows because like I said this test was done at 85 5-3 Point rating but from my personal experience I've been enjoying the Hall of Fame level on my 6A perimeter threat build with 90 midi and 86 3-point rating and it honestly allows me to always shoot with confidence I also have this badge on gold with my 66 build with an 88 three-point rating and a 73 mini and it still pops a lot and feels like it works well overall open looks is about an a-tier shooting badge for most players as its value comes from activating often and providing a solid boost in a game where shooting was meant to be harder now that is all we have for the open looks badge if you found this video helpful be sure to leave a like it's been spill and I'm out later [Music] thank you