NBA 2K25 Shooting Tips: 3PT Jumpshot Shifty Shooter Test Wideo
Shifty Shooter Badge 3PT in 2K25

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Transkrypt wideo:
what is good everybody my name is Spill and welcome to the NBA 2K lab channel in this video we'll be taking a look at the Shifty shooter badge and while we already tested this badge in the mid-range this video will focus exclusively on Shifty shooter from three and I think you'll be surprised when you see the results we tested this badge two different times to find the Boost at each badge level requirement and then we tested all badge levels again at a 92 3point rating both of these tests combined will give us a better idea of just how effective each badge level is and it also gives a good Insight on whether or not you should use your max plus one to boost it higher now to test Shifty shooter we took 200 moving three-point shots for every 10 milliseconds throughout the green window at each badge level and without the badge the entire test took 29,000 shots and here's the results looking at the make percentages for the center of the green window we can see right away that Hall of Fame and Legend levels of Shifty shooter have a small pure green window while gold silver and bronze aren't too far behind this tells us that moving shots in general seem to be really effective especially if you have good timing but even if you don't have perfect timing higher badge levels of Shifty shooter can help with slightly Miss time shots just look at the early edge of the window at 9115 milliseconds that's about 30 milliseconds away from an absolute perfect release here's where you can see the most noticeable difference in boost between each badge level so even when you're mistiming your shot by 30 to 40 milliseconds the legend level of Shifty shooter will still hit around a 65% clip at this timing that's 35% better than no badge and for reference no badge hits at a 30% clip in this scenario but looking at this chart in its entirety the silver level looks to be a good low-end value especially if you're using a takeover that boosts your shooting the silver level nearly has a pure green window but the make percentages at the edge of the window aren't that great which makes the higher badge levels a little bit better gold provides about a 3 to 5% boost on average over the silver level and Hall of Fame provides a similar boost over gold but once you reach the legend level of Shifty shooter you can see one of the biggest boosts in make percentages in our testing now as I mentioned earlier we tested each badge level at a 92 3point rating and while most of the badge levels showed a linear boost the legend level had the largest and biggest jump of all the badge levels making it a great candidate to use your max plus one if you already have it on Hall of Fame now that is all we have for part two of the Shifty shooter badge test if you want to find out more specific details for each timing and badge level this entire chart with all the percentages will be posted on the website for free so I hope you guys found this video helpful and if you did drop a like thank you all for watching later