Needle Threader - 2k23 Distintivo

Needle Threader - 2k23 Badge Video

Thumbnail for Needle Threader - 2k23 badge test on the NBA2KLab YouTube Channel
Needle Threader - 2k23 Badge Details
This badge will help passes get by defenders, especially for bounce passes. This badge doese not speed up your passes though, that is strictly handled by Pass Accuracy.
NBA Player Placeholder

NBA2k23 Playmaking Badges

Needle Threader - 2k23

Needle Threader - 2k23 Badge Description

When passing through a tight window between defenders, a boost is given to the player’s passing ability.
Primary Ball Handler
At Least Bronze
Pretty good return for a bronze badge, especially if its tier 1 for you.
Locks / Sharps
If it tier 1 take it on silver, if its Tier 2 it really depends how many available playmaking badge points you have.
If you invested the 86 pass accuracy for HoF Break Starter pairing it with Tier 1 needle threader is solid
Needle Threader - 2k23 Test Details

Needle Threader acts as a soft counter to interceptor in the same way Clamps and Clamps Breaker counter each other.

A second benefit of needle threader not mentioned in the description is the increase in stun animation defenders in poor position receive.

Needle Threader - 2k23 Test Results

Here is a chart of that stun rate where we see taking this badge on Bronze and Hall of Fame really stand out.

Pass Accuracy
0 or 65
Badge Unlock Table Details

This table shows how many attribute points you need in order to unlock a badge at the level in the header. If a badge is a Tier 1 badge you do not need any attributes in order to unlock the badge at a bronze level. If its Tier 2 or 3, you will need to meet the attribute threshold to unlock the badge. If there is more than one attribute listed, you only need to meet the threshold on one of the attributes, not multiple.

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