NBA 2K24 Best Dribble Moves + Best Sigs: How to Dribble Tuto Vídeo

2K24 Best Escape Moves

NBA 2K24 Best Jump Shot

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NBA 2K24 Kemba Escape

Transcrição do Vídeo:
what is good everybody this is kza and welcome back to another 2K Lab video in today's video we'll be breaking down the Kima Walker Escape move animation we'll be going over all of his animations and also perfecting them with the controller cam in today's video If you all ready for today's video go ahead and drop a like subscribe to the channel if you guys want more content like this let's go ahead and get into [Music] it so in today's video we'll be using the kembo walk Escape move package which only requires an 86 ball handle and remember guys if you guys want to explore more Escape move packages or more animations remember on our premium side we have graded each and every present and future dribble animation in the game so first we'll be going over the turbo crossover which can be used standing still to get an open shot opportunity for you or your team the turbo cross can also be used to sprint out of the move again creating a shot opportunity for you and it can even be doubled up comboed together to turbo crosses back to back to create another shot opportunity let's get in how to do this move you're going to want to be stationary you're going to hold right trigger to perform this turbo crossover move and if the ball is in our left hand we're going to flick up diagonal to the right to do the turbo crossover now remember guys if you guys are ever struggling to do these dribbling animations we have a dribble tool on our premium side where you hop on there you select your dribble move that you want to perfect in this case it would be the Escape move you would then plug up your controller straight in and our controller on our premium will read and react see if you guys are doing the move right or wrong ultimately helping you guys perfect the move so you guys can do it better in game now if you're starting with the ball in your right hand you're just going to flick up diagonal to the left cuz it's towards our off ball hand and again holding turbo now you guys can also Sprint off of this move just performing the move and then sprinting with your right trigger and your left stick in the direction you want to go with the ball's in our right hand we're going to flick up the addal toward the left with our right stick and then our left stick is going to shortly follow it after we see the animation play through just like we talked about before you guys can double this move if the ball is in your left hand and you're flicking up diagonal to the right and then up diagonal to the left after you guys see the first animation play through this double move could be really good if the first move didn't work out for you let's get into the turbo in between the legs coming out of the Kimo Walker Escape move package this move can be similarly used like the turbo crossover to perform this move just like the turbo cross but instead of going up the agonal you're actually going directly horizontal to the left or to the right depending on where your off ball hand is so for starting with the ball in our right hand we're going to hold right trigger flick directly horizontal to the left with our right stick while we're stationary just like the turbo cross you guys can Sprint out of this move just performing the move letting the move play out and then running with your left stick now the last move in the Escape move package is the misdirection now the misdirection is useful because your body is moving one way and you guys are sprinting the opposite direction like you see here I'm moving left but I'm sprinting towards the right often times catching the defense off guard so there's a lot of input controls to go into this misdirection you're going to hold right trigger if the ball's in our left hand we're going to flick down diagonal right with the right stick but down diagonal left with the left stick so the right stick is going away from the the ball hand and the left stick is going towards the ball hand and then if the ball is in your right hand you're just reversing the controls remember guys if you guys are struggling to perform these moves we have tools available on our website linked down in the description but once you guys get the move down you guys can Sprint either direction left or right you're not limited to going to One Direction often again catching your Defender off guard when your body's moving one way and your misdirection sprinting towards the opposite way that is going to wrap up today's video the Kimbo Walker Escape move animations breakdown hope this video helped you guys out if it did make sure you drop a like subscribe to the channel if you guys want more content like this as always it's been kza happy to help I'll catch you on the next one