Glove - 2k23 Rozet
Glove - 2k23 Badge Details
The new badge that replaces Pick Pocket from 22. Will help increase plucks. Probably need a high level version of the badge to be effective
Height | Tier | Height | Tier |
NBA2k23 Defense Badges
Glove - 2k23
Glove - 2k23 Badge Description
Glove increases the ability to successfully steal from ball-handlers
99 Steal
HOF Glove
95 Steal
Gold Glove
85-64 steal rating
Silver Glove
Glove - 2k23 Test Details
We tested each level of Glove against a variety of different ball handlers. Throughout the test we recorded data of each steal attempt to calculate the effectiveness of Glove. The ball handlers we tested against each had Unpluckable with different thresholds of ball control according to the badge level. The test we conducted does not take into account "bump steals" or "body up steals". The ballhandler also had max stamina and max adrenalin boost.
Glove - 2k23 Test Results
The results we gathered show that Gold and HOF Glove dominates players with low ball control. The steal rating required to acquire Gold and HOF Glove are expensive but well worth it. If your build can only get Silver glove it will only be effective against players with no ball control/Unpluckable. The chart on the page shows the pluck percentage against various ball handlers.
Attribute | Bronze | Silver | Gold | HoF |
Attribute Steal | Bronze 0 or 64 | Silver 85 | Gold 95 | HoF 99 |
This table shows how many attribute points you need in order to unlock a badge at the level in the header. If a badge is a Tier 1 badge you do not need any attributes in order to unlock the badge at a bronze level. If its Tier 2 or 3, you will need to meet the attribute threshold to unlock the badge. If there is more than one attribute listed, you only need to meet the threshold on one of the attributes, not multiple.

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