NBA 2K24 Best Dribble Tutorial for Beginners: Simple Dribble فيديو
2K24 Beginner Dribble Tips

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نص الفيديو:
what is good everybody this is COA and welcome back to another 2K Lab video now in today's video I'm going be showing you guys a few easy go-to combos that I use with the LeBron dribble style now we know a lot of people love that Magic Johnson dribble style but he does have some pretty bad animations whenever he speed boosts towards his ball hand now with the LeBron dribble style it's more well-rounded so if you're looking for a change in scenery and want to switch to the LeBron James dribble style we got you covered here with a few easy combos now with all that being said man go ahead drop a like subscribe to the channel if you guys want more content like this let's go ahead and get into it [Music] now all of the combos that I will be showcasing in today's video will be relatively easy to do with only one to three inputs hopping into to the first combo we will be going over the penny Hardway regular breakdown combo into the LeBron James dribble style so if you guys want your combination to look like this not only will you need it for this combination but also the rest of today's video you guys will need LeBron James dribble style which requires a 75 speed ball and a height under 610 you guys will also need that Penny Hardway regular breakdown combo which requires an 85 speed ball so any build 68 or under can obtain this dribble move so starting off this combination you guys want to make sure you guys are stationary not moving on the court the good thing about regular and aggressive breakdown combos is it doesn't matter which hand the ball is in it'll always be a flick up on the right stick when we're stationary not holding right trigger and we flick directly up on the right stick we get our Penny Hard Away regular breakdown combo animation then all you guys want to do is Sprint out of the move you're going to do that by holding right trigger and then running up diagonal left or up diagonal right depending on which way you want to go the good thing about Penny Hardway regular breakdown combo is it gives you multiple options of win the speed boost out of the move and the good thing about the LeBron James dribble style is it's relatively fast going each Direction unlike the Magic Johnson dribble style so you guys could go left or right towards the ball hand or towards the off ball hand and not be limited to going only one way now up next we will be going over a personal favorite of mine which is just two inputs basically one dribble move and then sprinting out of this move right here I do it twice one time freeze and then do it again as soon as he reaches free me up for an open shot not to perform this move you guys will want to have Kimo Walker Escape moves equipped which requires an 86 ball handle this year now you guys are going to want to be stationary in this move and we're going to start the ball with our left hand now if we're starting the ball with our left hand all we're going to do is we're going to hold right trigger then we're going to flick our right stick up diagonal to the right towards the off ball hand then if the ball is in our right hand we're just going to hold right trigger then flick up diagonal to the left towards the offall hand and then after you guys get that move down you're then going to want a speed boost out of the move holding right trigger and then running towards your new off ball hand so if the ball started in our left hand and we flicked up diagonal right on the right stick we're going to hold our left stick up diagonal to the left while holding turbo and put it all together it should look like this and then if you start the ball in the right hand you're just going to hold turbo flick up diagonal to the left on the right stick and then push and hold your left stick up diagonal to the right to speed boost towards that direction now another very easy and simple combination to use but also very very effective in game is the Michael Jordan aggressive breakdown combo into the LeBron James dribble style this combination is very simple yet it works at a high rate in game all you guys will need is that Michael Jordan aggressive breakdown combo which only requires a 70 ball handle this year again you guys want to make sure you're stationary while performing this move all you're going to want to do is hold right trigger in a stationary position and then just flick directly up on the right stick as we mentioned before these are specific specifically good for newer dribblers cuz the controls to do them are so simple and again the Michael Jordan aggressive breakdown combo gives us a lot of options here you can wait for the entire animation to play out and then speed boost out of it or you guys can explode a lot sooner out of this move only performing a few in between the legs and then speed boosting out of it again with the LeBron James dribble style has a good speed boost going to the left or to the right towards the ball hand or the off ball hand so you guys are not limited to going one way guys there is three easy drible combinations that anybody can hop on and pick up today using the LeBron James dribble style of course you guys can pair up these different combinations with other dribble Styles inside of 2K 24 we're just showing how good they look with the LeBron James dribble style so again there you have it three easy dribbling combinations that anybody beginner to advance can pick up and start using in their game today hope this video helped you all out go ahead and drop a like subscribe to the channel if you guys want more content like this comment down below your favorite dribbling combination that was Showcase in today's video and as always I'll catch you guys in another NBA 2K Lab video