How to Shoot in NBA 2K25: Deadeye Jumpshot Green Windows فيديو
Deadeye Badge in 2K25

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نص الفيديو:
what is good everybody and welcome to the NBA 2K lab Channel my name is Spill and in this video we'll be looking at the Boost to receive from each level of the Dead eyee badge when shooting versus open to light contest I've noticed this badge pop up almost every time if you remember blinders was taken out of the game and it's believed to have been merged with dead eyee making this badge very valuable for all Shooters now if you enjoy this type of content be sure to subscribe and turn notifications on so you don't miss any of our test and let's get right into it now the definition of the Dead eyee badge says jump shots taken with a Defender closing out rece less of a penalty from a shot contest deadi ey has been a staple badge in 2K for years and it's worth getting to a higher level if you want to be a good shooter but which badge levels are the most effective and what level should you target we're going to get into all of that right now to fully test this badge we took over 11,000 shots in a dead eye scenario the defender closing out provided the shooter with anywhere from an open to a light contest the shooter had a 92 3point rating throughout the entire test to focus exclusively on the badge level boost now looking at the chart we can notice a few things first let's start with bronze dead that this badge level provides a noticeable boost of 12% when compared to no badge and from our testing it looks to be one of the most valuable bronze badges in the game the silver level looks lackluster in this scenario but as we get to gold we can see huge improvements throughout the entire green window when compared to no badge we see an increase in make percentage of 22% at 585 milliseconds and a 28% increase at 595 milliseconds the gold level of deadi eye looks to be The Sweet Spot in terms of value and Effectiveness Hall of Fame provides a noticeable boost as well but it is much harder to obtain since it requires a 96 3point rating and then unfortunately in this testing scenario the legend badge level didn't show much improvement with a 99 3point requirement it doesn't provide enough value to justify the cost now ultimately the badge level you want depends on your build and play style if you plan on shooting a lot of Threes you'll probably want at least the gold level if you're a sharpshooter with access to higher ratings Hall of Fame looks to be very effective especially if you have the luxury of using your max plus one to get it there now for Bigs and locks you'll likely only have access to the silver level and while you shouldn't quite prioritize this badge it is still nice to have now that is all we have for the dead eyee badge test and if you found this video helpful or informative be sure to drop a like as always thank you for watching it's been spill I'm out later