NBA 2K25 Best Build Tips: Dimer Badge Test on 2K25 Video
Dimer Badge in 2K25

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Go to NBA2KLab YouTubeWhat does Dimer Badge do in NBA 2K25?
what is good everybody my name is Spill and in this video we'll be going over the Boost you receive from each level of dier I know it doesn't always feel like it's helping but our test show that this badge definitely increases the shooter's make percentage when receiving a pass from someone who has dier there's also some myths about this badge and it does not increase pass speed it doesn't give any noticeably cleaner catches for the receiver and most importantly it doesn't speed up your shot at any level now to test this badge we took 1,600 shots throughout the green window with Diemer at each badge level and without the badge for a total of 9600 shots the shooter had an 83 3point rating and here's the results the chart as a whole does look a little underwhelming but if you really dive into these numbers each badge level actually provides a solid boost bronze dimer with a 55 pass accuracy requirement seems to have a decent boost for little to no investment showing a make percentage boost of up to 3% in some areas of the green window the silver level has a make percentage boost of around 3.58% on average and up to a 42% make at the edge of the green window but once we reach the gold level the average make percentage boost sits around 5.16% throughout the green window and at this level you should start to notice a slight impact when shooting off this badge with an 82 pass accuracy requirement this might be the sweet spot if you want to be able to throw clean passes and give your teammates a boost in the process at Hall of Fame the average make percentage sits at 7.25% which is a great boost but the legend level is a whole 2% better at 9.25% these higher-end badge levels will start to increase the middle of your green window whereas the lower end badge levels will mostly open up the edges of your green window so which level you choose for your next build ultimately depends on your play style and how much you like to pass I think 82 pass accuracy for gold dier is a great value threshold in general and if you can get this badge to either gold or Hall of Fame it makes for a good candidate for your tier 2 max plus one now that is all we have for the dimer badge test drop a like if you found this video helpful and comment down below your experience with this badge thank you all for watching it's Ben spill and I'm out later