NBA 2K23 Shooting Tips : How to Green Moving Jump Shots Video
Best Moving Shot in 2K23
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Transcripción del video:
hey everyone this is Sam fam and welcome
back to the channel today we're going to
break down moving jumpers with Advanced
ass handcam controls and jumper cues
so the pull-up jumper we'll be looking
in today is the normal 2 which so far
has been the community's favorite but in
this video we'll actually give you guys
the premium stats in relates to this
jumper as a thank you for you guys
ongoing YouTube support and those events
that's actually going to help you
understand and also prove to come with
you right or maybe even wrong in certain
aspects about the jumper on just why
this works so well we'll also give you
guys the combo triggers you need via
handcamp to get the most out of this
jumper with your off hand and Main hand
and most importantly we'll also even
show you the jumper cue and to our
premium users you will actually start
seeing content like this in the premium
section on the site not just removing
jumpers but for even regular jumpers so
keep an eye of what our content starting
on Monday and if you would like to see
more of these regular moving jumpers
breakdown on YouTube just get this video
to 2000 likes and will continue to
produce this content for you guys
so let's begin by looking at the normal
2 turbo fade at a basic level on why the
community loves it and as you can see
going main hand or offhand the Fate is
very effective at increasing can test
even if the defender is within your
vicinity the animation has this wide
drift to it going either way offhand or
main hand but to truly optimize this
jumper you're gonna need to learn some
hand cam combo so let's begin by what I
call the angle turbo fate go into the
main head so hold turbo and push the
left stick diagonal upright towards your
main hand and then once you do that you
want to angle it back out to go
completely sideways and then hold that
hold turbo and then co-square to shoot
and that's going to get you a angle
turbo fade towards your main hand in
this case because it's a right-handed
shooter and you can also do a hop cancel
turbo fader watching offhand what you
want to do is do any move to create
separation hold turbo drive towards your
main hand and then hold your right stick
diagonal down right from Split Second
let go cancel it push the left stick
straight down hold turbo hold square and
that's going to be a hop cancel turbo
fade for your off now let's also add in
the premium stats of this number three
jumper to further your understanding of
which side is stronger as you can see
the offhand version on the left has a
green window size of 49 milliseconds and
the main hand version on the right has a
bigger green window at 58 milliseconds
And in regards to shot speed and make
percentages you can see on the chart
here we have the main hand turbo fade
for normal 2 as the blue line and the
offhand purple favorite version as the
green light and the main hand version is
much faster plus it has a much bigger
green window and overall much more
steady make percentages across the board
now if you look at the other end of the
chart you will actually see two more
jumpers those are both normal twos but
those are actually the non-turbo Fades
and they're way slower by far and which
is why we recommend you to only take
turbo Fades with the normal 2 pull-up
jumper so with the advanced stats out of
the way let's talk jumper cue so for
this one the no meter very early the
jumper cue is right here so before the
both toes lift up you want to keep an
eye out when the ball reaches the top of
the head just like that that's when you
want to shoot it so you can see me here
time and time again using very early
before the toes get off the ground and
the ball is right above the forehead
just like that above eye level that's
the key to let go of the shot button
same thing so you have to prepare
yourself to shoot it as it goes up
because this is a very early jumper cue
but it is excellent and is incredibly
consistent so make sure you follow
through with this and just keep an eye
out when the ball gets to the top and
before the toe slips off so you can see
me here doing the angle fade in an
online setting with a very early no
meter jumper cue and it's extremely
effective it's easy to time and it's
comfortable and the fact that it is very
early you can just give it a shot quick
and notice that I'm driving main hand
every single time to do the angle phase
so that's also the optimal version of
the normal 2 jumper as you can see from
the advanced stats now granted you can
still do this with a shot meter and if
you really want to you can also drive
towards the off hand so in this case to
the left because it's a right-handed
shooter it's slightly slower with a
smaller green window but it still works
but main hand is the move for the normal
two alright so if you guys enjoy this
content and you would like to see more
just get this video to 2000 likes and
we'll produce more of this type of
content from moving jumpers for you
and once again for the premium members
make sure you keep an eye out on the
premium section on the site on Monday as
we'll start producing this type of
content for regular jumpers that you see
on the side alright so as always thanks
for coming by really appreciate you guys
support and make sure to check out the
website for more detailed tests and I
look forward to speaking to you guys
again very soon