NBA 2K25 가장 빠른 모션 스타일
NBA 2K25 가드, 윙 및 빅 모션 스타일
우리는 게임 내의 모든 모션 스타일을 기록하고 비교하는 과정을 자동화했습니다. 각 모션 스타일에 대해 4가지 다른 측정 값을 수행하며, 터보를 사용하거나 사용하지 않는 상황에서 모두 측정합니다. 이 테스트에서는 가드와 윙에 86의 스피드와 민첩성을 사용하고, 빅에는 75의 스피드와 민첩성을 사용했습니다.
Jogging is running without holding Turbo and Sprinting is running while holding Turbo.
- Speed - How fast does the player move at top speed in Miles Per Hour. Higher is better.
- Launch - How many seconds does it take to move 2.5 feet? Lower is better.
- Time to Running - How many seconds does it take to get to full speed? Lower is better.
- Run Full Width of Court - How many seconds does it take to run the width of the court? Lower is better.
The table currently displays Median values based on 10 attempts. You can display the Average Values instead by clicking the button above.
Player | Position | Jog Speed | Jog Launch | Time to Jogging | Jog Full Length | Sprint Speed | Sprint Launch | Time to Sprinting | Sprint Full Length |
Player Base | Position Guard | Jog Speed 10.07 | Jog Launch 0.93 | Time to Jogging 0.94 | Jog Full Length 4.01 | Sprint Speed 10.76 | Sprint Launch 0.92 | Time to Sprinting 0.93 | Sprint Full Length 3.80 |
Player Nickeil Alexander-Walker | Position Guard | Jog Speed 10.09 | Jog Launch 0.96 | Time to Jogging 0.96 | Jog Full Length 4.00 | Sprint Speed 11.62 | Sprint Launch 0.91 | Time to Sprinting 0.97 | Sprint Full Length 3.67 |
Player Grayson Allen | Position Guard | Jog Speed 10.45 | Jog Launch 0.94 | Time to Jogging 0.96 | Jog Full Length 3.93 | Sprint Speed 10.87 | Sprint Launch 0.92 | Time to Sprinting 0.95 | Sprint Full Length 3.79 |
Player Jose Alvarado | Position Guard | Jog Speed 10.47 | Jog Launch 0.95 | Time to Jogging 0.97 | Jog Full Length 3.94 | Sprint Speed 10.80 | Sprint Launch 0.90 | Time to Sprinting 0.96 | Sprint Full Length 3.80 |
Player LaMelo Ball | Position Guard | Jog Speed 10.39 | Jog Launch 0.94 | Time to Jogging 0.95 | Jog Full Length 3.95 | Sprint Speed 10.78 | Sprint Launch 0.91 | Time to Sprinting 0.96 | Sprint Full Length 3.80 |
Player Kent Bazemore | Position Guard | Jog Speed 10.31 | Jog Launch 0.95 | Time to Jogging 0.96 | Jog Full Length 3.97 | Sprint Speed 10.96 | Sprint Launch 0.92 | Time to Sprinting 0.96 | Sprint Full Length 3.76 |
Player Bradley Beal | Position Guard | Jog Speed 10.20 | Jog Launch 0.96 | Time to Jogging 0.97 | Jog Full Length 4.00 | Sprint Speed 11.86 | Sprint Launch 0.91 | Time to Sprinting 0.97 | Sprint Full Length 3.61 |
Player Malik Beasley | Position Guard | Jog Speed 9.00 | Jog Launch 0.95 | Time to Jogging 0.92 | Jog Full Length 4.28 | Sprint Speed 10.70 | Sprint Launch 0.91 | Time to Sprinting 0.96 | Sprint Full Length 3.81 |
Player Patrick Beverley | Position Guard | Jog Speed 10.26 | Jog Launch 0.96 | Time to Jogging 0.97 | Jog Full Length 4.02 | Sprint Speed 10.65 | Sprint Launch 0.93 | Time to Sprinting 0.93 | Sprint Full Length 3.84 |
Player Eric Bledsoe | Position Guard | Jog Speed 10.42 | Jog Launch 0.97 | Time to Jogging 0.96 | Jog Full Length 3.97 | Sprint Speed 10.81 | Sprint Launch 0.92 | Time to Sprinting 0.95 | Sprint Full Length 3.80 |
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