BEST Animations For BIG MEN on NBA 2K25 비디오
2K25 Best Dribble Style for Bigs

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are you looking for sigs that will turn your big man into a dribble gide big man sigs that will make your Defender look silly when he guards you or someone that will fold your laundry well I can't help you with that last one but you came to the right place if you do want the best big man sigs you guys really went crazy on the last video getting the like gold in under half an hour which is honestly insane to me so I had to provide these s for y'all today and don't worry for the people that are asking yes I'm going to be showing you my dunk packages as well as my jump shot so just stay tuned we're also on the grind of 10K we just hit 9,000 subscribers we actually gained about 500 subscribers yesterday which thank y'all I appreciate y'all so much for supporting me now without further Ado I'm going to show you these sigs and I'm going to explain to you why I use these sigs and why they're going to work and by the way if you want a tutorial get this video to 200 likes in the first day and I'll drop this dribble tutorial tomorrow with all this out the way let me show you what I'm rocking now first things first I'm going to show you this jump shot I've been using it's Jonathan Isaac base with Lamarcus Al and France Wagner releases for the release point I usually go right in between push and release kind of like two notches forward I go Max Speed which now we end up getting very quick jump shot speed on a big so this might be the fastest jump shot in the game I'm not even trolling but 89% FR Wagner 11% LaMarcus Aldridge now for my dribble style it's pretty much the same thing how it was the 2K 24 with the blowout dribbles is the exact same with the cross lach but the speed boost you get out of this is similar to Kyrie Irving dribble style if you do it correctly I'm going to be showing youall how to do this in the dribble tutorial when I drop it and this this dribble style is really good for the bigs now I will say I haven't tried any other dribble style for The Bigs I heard that Kevin Durant is really good but for the 7even ones and taller just throw on normal it's the best budget move you could get on a big now for my signature size up I use normal as well because sadly we can't really get anything else at the moment for 60 ball handle but maybe in the newer Seasons we can I don't know yet but normal is by far the best that you could put on a big you can combo up with this and it gets a really nice speed boost animation as well if it's done correctly now for my regular breakdown combo I'll be using this move with my go-to shot and cancel right out of it it gets an Immaculate move set like right after I'm going to show you all my combo I keep saying I'm going to show you my combos get this video to 200 likes so I'll show you how to do these moves I'm doing now for my aggressive breakdown combo I use normal as well you're going to notice I use a lot of normal moves but it is what it is this gets you a really nice crab animation matched up with the normal Escape that I use as well as you see here normal Escape it's going to give you nice little in between the leg Crossovers and you can get the nice crabs you can do a whole bunch with this as well with the speed boosting mechanics this move right here is just very nice to get open with shot create do midi Fades you name it anything fading wise the Escape moves got got it now I do want to make a 7 foot big with little arms so I could try out these other moves let me know if you want to see a stretch big Build That Could dribble for real and I'll make it happen but yeah on to my combo moves I do use normal as well I mean who would have guessed it you know but I've tried basic as well I mean they're kind of similar but in my humble opinion I think normal is better just because it protects the ball better from all of these locks on this game which you if you don't know the lock Downs on this game are insane but next up is my crossover I I use normal but basic is really good as well I would say basic using five scenarios but I've been using normal because I've been messing around with the Flyers Park having some fun but I have tried basic and fives and I will tell you it is way better than normal in that scenario because you will not get plucked as much now 2K decided to give us bigs an explosive behind the back this year so I put it on normal and as you can see I get that glitchy 2K 20 type of explosive behind the back which honestly it helps so much with combo and you can really just shoot right off it but yeah this move right here is definitely a game changer for the bigs now I do have normal spin on but this gives you the Glitchy spin that you seen in the intro as well as a good downhill motion Spin and trust me guys we're about to get away from the normal animations just trust stay with me here we don't have all normal I I promise but until we I show you the moves that are not normal we have normal hesitation because it's the only hesi that we could use to speed boost out of now you do get the Kyrie type of speed boost out of this animation so it is worth putting on but for our step back we have Joel embiid which you can get really Shifty with cuz the pullback is very tight and it's fast actually it doesn't look as fast here but in the game it's really quick and you can spam it honestly and do like cross launches out of it it's really nice now for the Triple Threat I put on Steph Curry because when you do a move out of this Triple Threat it actually just like throws your character across the the court cuz I don't know how to explain it any other way than that now for the layup Styles I've been using Giannis and Zion and honestly I can't tell you which one is better because they're on like the same level of like consistency on good these cannot be guarded I swear to you you do the layup right over everybody it's wide open don't matter if it's a good defender or not it's going to go in now if you're looking for a layup that's kind of similar to what LeBron was last year throw on Zion but other than that I think Giannis is like my go-to as of right now because the two steps and euros and Spins they're all nice now for my go-to shot I use Pao Beno because this is just like my bread and butter like it is very simple to get past someone it really just throws you in front of someone and you can speed boost out of this whenever you want you can do Infinity combos with this I'm going to show you guys in my tutorial tomorrow but like I said earlier I have not tried anyone else's goto shot I want to try Kevin Durant soon probably going to make a stretch big let me know if you guys want to see that once again but yeah let's move on to the next thing we got for our dribble pullup we have normal 2 which is honestly the best thing I've seen on a big in a minute this is by far better than Kevin dur drible pull-up I don't care argue with the wall I've never seen such an explosive pullup on a big in my life this this thing drags you like it's uncontestable it's fast release too you jump high as crap like there's no stopping this I've made Smothers already with this I mean I said it's uncontestable but man that is insane now for my spin jumper it's nothing too special it's just normal same as last year definitely still usable though give it a try now for my hop jumper I use normal 2 which will give you an insane speed boost when you cancel out of this move like I've cooked so many people out of this explosive hop jumper and it's very quick too even if you just want to do a regular shot out of it very usable s tier hop jumper for sure now for all the post Fades I've tried a bunch as you can see here but the one that's doing it for me the most is Kevin Durant he has a nice shimmy fade a nice long fade I mean it's Kevin Durant what what more could you ask for it's it's every Kevin Durant moveie you ever seen him do in the post in real life into a animation in the game so I would use this and highly recommend it now for my post hop shot we use Harrison Barnes because they ended up taking Kobe's hop shot or it's just not in the game at the moment so I think this is the closest thing we could get to it it still has that side step that's very explosive and gets a lot of separation from the defender and I've been using it and it's working perfectly fine for me so I've had some people asking me how I'm moving so fast on Twitter and in the comments but this is the motion style that makes me the quickest it was the best motion style for Bigs last year so I decided to try it again on this game thankfully it wasn't hidden behind rep Rewards or we might have been chocked I ain't going to lie but yeah this is the motion style Pascal seaka it's definitely the fire definitely the soup for the bigs now I'm brief going to go through my dunk animations for youall but as you can see here we get like all the tomahawks all the like the 360s the quick drops the windmills we even get the pro contact dunks on this build which is really fun to do now off the one foots we get the same type of thing we get the the back scratches and like all these cool animations but one thing that is cool about this build is we get LeBron James which is by far one of the best dunk packages in this game once again like it was last year we still get that Limitless takeoff type of dunk now for like my alyes and stuff it's just like the basic stuff and you know we get all the elites and the probe contacts and yeah that'll pretty much sum it up for my animation video but hey if you want to see the best Vicor weon Yama build click on this video right here and I'll show you how to make it in this video as always though I appreciate y'all for sticking through this video and y'all stay safe