NBA 2K25 Best Builds Guide: 6'5 Shooting Guard Build Legend 비디오
2K25 Two-Way Sharpshooter

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비디오 대본:
I spent countless hours in the Builder trying to perfect this one build to make the best two-way sharpshooter in NBA 2k 25 this build has the ability to get Legend Limitless range along with Hall of Fame Interceptor at 65 which is the tallest height to get that combination of badges I went against the meta of making a short guard and instead decided to make the shortest Wing build in the game because I wanted access to the best shooting badges at the tallest possible height this build has Elite shooting capabilities with access to all Hall of Fame shooting Badges and with the max plus one badge perk you can turn any one of those shooting badges into Legend and I think I'll be going with Limitless range I've been shooting lights out on this build in the wreck and my badges aren't even maxed out yet and if you want the jumper you can find it on the premium side of along with all the shots we've been testing so far with in-depth stats on jump shot speeds green window sizes and make percentages which is getting updated almost daily and if there was ever a time to subscribe to our premium Services it would definitely be now but while the shooting is Elite from three-point range the defense is right up there as well and I've been in the lanes heavy especially with how Interceptor is early in the year now I made a couple different versions of this build in a template so you guys could tweak it how you want while still hitting those Focus points now don't forget to subscribe to the channel for more 2K 25 content and let's get right into it I'm going to start with my exact build that I settled on which you saw in the intro Clips this build was made with cat Breakers in mind and I'll explain them as I go through the build starting with finishing I went with an 85 dunk and this was for the wide variety of effective dunks that you unlock at this rating not to mention that I've been getting some crazy putbacks on this build and it seems like 85 driving dunk is just a good value threshold especially because the vertical raises by default giving this build bronze posterizer at a 65 vertical I also gave this build a 45 standing dunk for the basic standing packages which are very useful and cost next to nothing so I think it's definitely worth it to put that on the build for shooting we have a Max potential of a 96 3point rating to unlock all the Hall of Fame shooting badges for this build I intend on using three cap Breakers to hit that 96 3point threshold as this allows me to make a more well-rounded build from top to bottom while still planning for the future so I stuck with the 93 3point rating for now which gives me golden this range but don't worry because I made some builds for people who don't intend on using C Breakers as well and those will be later in the video moving on to playmaking we have a 71 pass accuracy for silver dimer an 86 ball handle to give a silver ankle assassin and most of the dribble sigs available for wings a 75 speed with ball for some decent dribble Styles and on this build I've been using Zack LaVine and if you primarily play shooting guard this is a solid budget threshold for playmaking attributes for defense I went with an 85 perimeter for silver on ball Menace and then we have a 92 steel and right away this attribute doesn't make much sense because it's not a threshold for anything but I plan on using my other two c Breakers to get this to a 94 steel for Hall of Fame Interceptor the whole point of this build is that I can be 65 with Legend Limitless range and still have enough defense for Hall of Fame Interceptor on the other end and as I mentioned before you can't get that combo of badges unless you're a small guard making this build extremely unique for its size and then to round off the defense this build has a 60 block which has actually allowed me to get some blocks even with this smaller wingspan and with how cheap this attribute is it really doesn't hurt to throw some on just like that standing dunk lastly we have very solid physicals with an 85 speed and even 80 agility and then a 73 strength for gold strong handles and bronz movable enforcer as I mentioned before the 65 vert unlocks bronze posterizer and the physicals defense and finishing all offer great Synergy between each other allowing this build to be extremely well-rounded the build name comes out to be a two-way three-level shot Creator and I've been having the most fun on NBA 2K 25 when using this build being active in the lanes and being able to spot up on the hash or cook up whenever needed makes this build very enjoyable now if you want a 96 3point and 94 Steel on this build without using cap Breakers here's a version I made to get everything right away but you'll have to sacrifice a few things so the dunk is lower and the physicals are at the bare minimum but the build will still be very good I decided to sacrifice those high-end badges for now to make sure my build has everything later on but if you prefer it this way instead you should still be just fine now the last thing I wanted to do was show you guys a template of the build at a 94 overall and you can basically customize it how you want while still getting the essential Badges and animations with this template you can shape your build to fit your play style while still being an elite two-way sharp if you want higher lib you can do that if you want higher perimeter you can get 95 for Hall of Fame Challenger or you can get 95 ball handle for Hall of Fame ankle assassin so there's a lot of ways to customize this build now that is all I got guys for this video if you found it helpful or informative be sure to leave a like it's been spill and I'm out later