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2K24 2K TV Episode 7

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hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey [Music] heyy welcome to season 2 and a new episode of NBA 2K TV new rewards new events New courts Chris got a new haircut and there's so much more to explore in season 2 and to get you started we're going to give you a chance at earning some VC and all interactive questions in this episode are presented by KIA with the NBA season about to tip off we're already talking about who could have that standout season and bring home a Kia Performance award I hope they're on my team and I know you're excited so for some VC do you know which NBA legend is the namesake for the Kia NBA Most Valuable Player Is It Michael Jordan karum Abdul Jabar Larry Bird or Kobe Bryant [Music] [Applause] so I want you to break down your season 2 build and why people should check it out yeah the build that I gave you guys is super super dominant buzzer beat us from the curb horse gamewinners with the eyes closed fade aways step backs a rare brick here's to the legends of the driveway here movement that inspires season 2 of NBA 2K 24 is blasting off featuring Victor wembanyama dominate the my team courts with his 90 overall free agent card at level one there's another dominant big man available at level 40 but we'll have more my team later in this episode in my career there's new artwork and decorations in the neighborhood and the city so take a second to enjoy the new scenery for rewards the season 2 base pass includes new options for jump shot meters emotes release animations apparel and more just in time for Halloween ride in style with a slime BMX bike at level 20 sport a Jacko Lantern hairstyle at level 27 snag a new mascot costume at level 30 and show off a chrome cyborg suit at 39 you can also upgrade your my player with the new Winners Circle badge Perks at levels 9 18 29 and 38 then celebrate your dominations with a gold floor Setter at level 40 and if you're looking for even more prizes check out the premium pass we can't forget about events in the city the 2K leagues three on three become a pro series tips off this weekend and runs until Tuesday there's also double rep wear and earn events featuring di Sporting Goods New Balance and Pizza Hut plus to celebrate Halloween check out the long night wear your best costumes and trick-or treat at various locations in the city and earn double rep for all games played in the city and the theater there's even more events throughout season 2 so make sure to check the event schedule from the my career pause menu to stay in the loop and send us your highlights all season long with the # 2ktv wow we're always looking for the top plays so show us what you got okay another interactive question question for some VC and this one's fun when does the NBA inseason tournament begin is it November 1st November 3rd November 5th or November 7th can't [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wait welcome to season 2 of my team it all tips off with the generational Prospect we're all excited to watch Victor wembanyama his 90 overall free agent card can do just about everything for your my team lineup if you can make it to level 40 there's another big man waiting for you Wilt Chamberlain the Big Dipper famously scored 100 points in game but in my team we'd like to see you top that if you need a new coach to lead your lineup how about an amethyst Greg papovich at level 35 and if you're looking for the ultimate season reward Diamond Shay Gil just Alexander is calling your name to get SGA you'll need to reach level 40 collect the new cards in the seasonal token market and earn all of the Season 2 Ruby reward cards from my team's modes like triple threat and clutch time speaking of diamonds season 2 features Tim Duncan and Carmelo Anthony in the new liftoff collections with both available as collection Rewards or as special inserts in the pack Market plus diamond Michael Jordan is also available as a special insert in the pack market and directly in the player Market there's a lot going on in season 2 including a fun event based on the NBA's brand new inseason tournament stay in the loop by following Along on social at NBA 2K my team and by checking out the weekly updates to the my team Playbook which you can access by scanning the QR code right on the community hub's home menu it's time to earn XP and AD will to your my team so jump in and get to level 40 our next guest has the 2K skills and she'll make sure that you got your shoe game up out there on the 2K streets Lely welcome to 2K TV hi thank you for having me I'm so excited to be here absolutely now you've been a part of this community for a long time so for people that are new to you talk about your history becoming a Community member in this massive 2K community so my history with the 2K Community I've been playing 2K since 19 which a lot of people don't know I didn't start streaming until 20 and then in 21 is when I went on that legendary grind I went for first fale Legend on the game on next gen and I hit it so so that's where a lot of people know me from when I started streaming and that's basically how I got into the 2K community and of course you've become a next maker so talk a little bit about that experience and I know we've linked up before to talk on some shows that you've hosted on the next maker side so talk about connecting with different creators and people in the community yeah so literally from day one of streaming it was like connecting with different people throughout the community was really dope one of the very first people I connected with was statistics actually and a lot of people don't know that way way back in the day and then I got my logo for hitting Elite one on 2K 21 next gen and then from there just kept going right and so I kept meeting more dope people more people that worked for 2K and that's where it came to next makers and I was able to become one of the first next makers in the program eventually becoming a lead for that program and I love that program it's done a lot for me as well as other people and for me it was one of those things was being able to host my own show live on the NBA 2K twitch Channel well I will say when it comes to 2K you definitely got the skills and with season 2 we have content creator builds in the game so I want you to break down your season 2 build and why people should check it out cuz it's pretty dominant out there in the pain I hear Lely yeah the build that I gave you guys is super super dominant it's one of the very first builds I actually made when 24 came out I went in the Builder I made sure I had all my numbers right the badges right everything you could add up and it's Prett pretty much the best Rec Center build that can also shoot that you're going to find I'm dominant in the paint I could get stops I could get the boards but I'm also out on the half shooting threes Greening them and I'm also coming off the pick and roll and getting contact DS so my build is it's nasty you got to check it out I actually run with it on the game right now so you can check it out you can try it yourself and I think it's the best build on the game you guys will let me know all right so break down some of the pros and cons with this build what are its you know strength strs and what are some of the things that you have to kind of give up to dominate in certain areas right cuz there's a little give and take with all kinds of builds in 24 as we all know exactly so there is nothing but give and take when it comes to these Builds on 2K 24 but my build it's the most Balan build so I would say the first thing that it gives up is that I don't really have too many Hall of Fame badges specifically in certain categories you would prefer to have on a big man build so for example I don't have Hall of Fame rebound Chaser right I didn't go for the 99 Rebound in any category but I went really high on my defensive rebounding to get gold and so with that you're sacrificing the ability to have that Hall of Fame that's going to get you a lot of automatic you know animations but if you're good at the game you know what you're doing and you're going to box out and play the game right this build will outrebound anyone even if they have the Hall of Fame rebounding so the small things like that kind of go across the entire build you know I get Elite contact dunks on this build but I don't have 9 99 driving dunk right so the the benefit of this build is that I can do it all the downfall or the cons of this build is that you are not someone who's going to sit there and really pay attention to the details of your game play it might hurt you in the long run talk about some of your teammates you mentioned this is a really good build for the rec so what kind of teammates are you running with cuz we all know teammates are important you typically can't do it all by yourself as we found out here on 2K TV with Team 2K TV but about some of the teammates you run with with this Center build exactly so the teammates I love to run with with the center build are the teammates who pass you definitely want teammates are going to dot you when you're open when you're on that cut or when you come off the pick and pop and they see that you're open and they're able to make those passes that's what this build is for and the teammates are going to get out your way in the paint I get all the boards I get all the stops the biggest thing you could probably do is just be in my way so get out of the paint I love that I love that all right talk about your personal goals for NBA 2K 24 anything you're trying to hit have you chosen rise or Elite that's the big question for me rise or Elite I'm Elite I had to go Elite definitely with Elite yes sorry Alexis sorry rise fans love to hear that uh any personal goals for 24 continuing to grow continue to get my name out there continue to you know build an audience that has respect for me and what I do for the game I always love having those people that like can interact with on a daily basis like we really play this game and there's really respect for the game and what we do so that's my biggest goal for 2K 24 is to grow that well lately thanks so much for joining us on 2K TV and uh fans can go check out her build right now if you need some dunking and some passing you know what to do exactly thank [Applause] you hey everybody Scott Mo here public address announcer of your Sacramento Kings your plays have been amazing and today we'll celebrate with 100,000 VC for the top play of season 1 let's meet your contenders Adam 8299 kicks us off from the neighborhood Rec Center this stunning putback was one of the first recorded this year and the the defender is still getting up from the floor what a slam put him on the ground he's dead our second winner was nepia stuffing home the putback in the theater it's a box office [Applause] smash your top assist was there go Brean with a behind the back relay pass to the dunk fluid like the fin minus 2K TV bottled water crisp and refreshing and your final Contender is John 9846 with a quick three to stay in and another to seal the win spectacular shooting display choose the top play of season 1 we'll tally up the votes and announce the on social media want to be featured in season 2 well send in your submissions with a # 2ktv wow and your Gamertag congrats to everyone featured team 2K TV is headed to the new wreck to get some games against well maybe you I have to say I think this season Chris I'm liking the builds getting the practice in I'm not going to talk about that loss last night but I have high hopes for our team well it you know it happens you take some wins take some L's for 2K TV lots of Ls well all of you can see how it goes down in next week's episode and until then enjoy season 2 I don't need this coach I don't need any of this coach I don't need this coach hey hey he hey hey hey hey hey hey