NBA 2K23 Green Machine Shooting Badge : How to Green More Sh Video
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what is good everyone it is Spill here
back with another NBA 2K Lab video and
in this one we'll be taking a deep dive
into the green machine badge and how it
green machine was introduced back in
2k21 and the initial mechanics weren't
great making it a fairly optional badge
but with each new 2k release they seem
to improve on how the badge activates
and in 2k23 this badge makes for a great
option for players with mid to high
three-point rating we've got three
different charts made up of 18 000 shots
to show you exactly how Green Machine
Works the badge description says that it
gives an additional boost when
consecutively achieving excellent
releases on jump shots and you can see
the attribute thresholds down below to
test Green Machine we set up a script
that took three consecutive shots from
the top of the key completely
uncontested with an 85 3-point rating
the defensive player had a rubber band
on to run Straight Out of Bounds which
generated the turnovers we needed to
give the ball back to the offensive
player normally we would restart after
every shot to avoid the player getting
hot but that's obviously not possible
for this green machine test now we ran
this three shot script 200 times for
every 10 milliseconds throughout the
green window and here's a chart of the
first shot of the sample at each timing
you can see there's no noticeable
difference between the Green Machine
badge levels on this chart and this was
expected as we know Green Machine
doesn't work after just one shot however
the chart for the second shot in the
sequence begins to tell a different
story the Boost here looks pretty good
throughout the entire window but it's
important to keep two things in mind
with this chart first this is not all of
the second shots this is the shooting
percentage for the shots following a
green on the first shot now just keep
that in mind if the sequence went Miss
and then green it's not covered in this
chart the second thing you need to keep
in mind when looking at this chart is
that the shooter's three-point rating
will have risen slightly as a result of
making the first shot and getting hot
and a small amount of that boost in this
chart that we see can be attributed to
that raise and attribute rating but
you'll see in the next chart that this
boost will be much more significant on
the third shot now for this chart this
also shows two important things as well
again we need to keep in mind that we're
now looking at a chart of green green
and then the next sample so the number
of shots in the sample has gone down as
we threw out all the samples that didn't
go through this exact sequence looking
at the chart you can see a 15 Boost from
no badge to gold and Hall of Fame but
the Hall of Fame boost looks insane as
it spans across more than just the
center of the green window this chart
shows us that if you green two shots in
a row and you have gold or Hall of Fame
Green Machine it becomes possible to
Green 100 10 of your attempts if you
have good timing now green machine is a
tier 2 badge across all builds and we
personally rank it in the a tier for
pretty much everyone we recommend trying
to Target at least the gold level and if
you can afford Hall of Fame it
definitely makes for a worthy investment
for any shooting build now that is all
we have for the green machine video if
you found it helpful or just want to
show some love go ahead hit that like
button and if you made it this far in
the video comment down below whether you
guys want us to do volume shooter next
or the video of the make percentage in
green windows for every three-point
attribute rating but everyone gets more
comments we'll put out first thank you
all for watching it's spill and I will
catch you guys in the next one later