NBA2K25 Best Builds

What are these NBA2K Builds?

These are NBA 2k25 builds submitted by 2KLab premium members. You can sort this build table by the star rating column on the far right to see the builds that the community likes the best. Premium members can leave star reviews on builds they like and do not like. Our goal is to identify what our community feels are the best builds in NBA 2k25.

If you click the check box for any row you will see more details on what the build unlocks for badges and animations. You will also see the recommended placements for the Badge Max +1s and Cap Breakers if they were included in the build submission. Premium members can also view 6 jumpers to try that come highly rated for that build.

ViewPositionHeightWeightWingspanJumperClose ShotDriving LayupDriving DunkStanding DunkPost ControlMidrangeThree PointFree ThrowPass AccuracyBall HandleSpeed With BallInterior DefensePerimeter DefenseStealBlockOffensive ReboundDefensive ReboundSpeedAgilityStrengthVerticalTier 1 Max Plus OneTier 2 Max Plus OneBuild NameSubmitted ByPurposeRating
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