NBA 2K25 最佳跳投綠燈窗口
NBA 2K25 最佳跳投:使用自動化測試進行研究
我們在NBA2KLab的目標是找出NBA 2k25中最好的自定義跳投。為了找到2k25中最好的跳投,我們依賴於兩個主要因素。首先,我們接受來自已註冊高級帳戶的2KLab社區成員的跳投提交。其次,我們在自定義跳投的綠燈窗口內每5毫秒拍攝200個跳投。我們確定綠燈窗口的邊緣、跳投速度和總命中率,以找出哪些自定義跳投最容易成為綠燈。
NBA 2K25 Premium Jumpshot Timing Tool
Get Recommended the best Custom Jumpshot for your build by using the 2KLab Custom Jumpshot Recommender.
Input 10 shot timings that feel correct to you and get recommended a jumpshot that matches your ideal timing.
Adjust different timing profiles to try out different speeds and see if there are any shots that your timing lines up with perfectly.
This tool is a great way to identify non meta jump shots that fit your natural shot timing.
You do not have to adjust to a jumpshots timing. Have the timing adjust to you.

NBA 2K25 Custom Jumpshot Shot Cues
This year we have added the visual cue for each jump shot in our Custom Jumper table. The visual cue shown here is Steph Curry Base, Kyrie Irving Release 1, Oscar Robertson Release 2 with the shot speed and timing profile all the way to the right in the custom jump shot creator.
Our automated test script now records the jumper cue for every jumper request we complete. To view any shots cue, click the check box next to the shot in the jumper table.
我們如何找到 NBA 2K25 中的最佳自定義跳投
NBA2KLab 高級版告訴我關於我建築在 2K25 中的最佳自定義跳投的信息?
我們正在收集有關每個建築在NBA 2K25中最佳跳投的數據。該表格將顯示與每個投籃有關的5個不同指標。您可以通過身高和評分來過濾表格,以查看適用於您的建築的投籃。我們已經測試並推薦的投籃有一列顯示使用該投籃所需的評分。我們還有一個星級評分系統,顯示我們的高級用戶對投籃的喜好程度。.
Here are more details about what each column means.
- 基礎 - 測試的跳投基礎
- 釋放點 - 測試的跳投釋放點
- 最小和最大高度 - 在 2K 中,您的身高決定了您可以裝備哪些基礎和釋放點。表格中的這些列可以過濾,只顯示您的建築可以使用的跳投
- 所需評分 - 在 2K24 中新增的功能,您的三分或中距離投籃評分會解鎖不同的跳投。更高的評分將為您提供更多可用的跳投。此列也可過濾
- 跳投速度 - 我們找到跳投的確切速度,讓您知道哪些是 NBA2K 中最快的跳投,哪些速度太慢而不可行。字母等級不能完全反映出跳投速度的全部情況。一個跳投上的 A+ 可能比另一個跳投上的 A+ 更慢。
- 綠燈窗口大小 - 我們找到跳投的確切時間窗口,即跳投有機會成為綠燈的時間範圍。您可以在我們的表格上按照 NBA2K 中綠燈窗口最大的跳投進行排序。綠燈窗口更大的跳投在投籃時機上有更多的寬容度
- 總命中率 - 我們從每個 5 毫秒的綠燈窗口中的 200 次跳投中找到了命中的總百分比。
- The Middle Green Rate represents a smaller inner green window where the green rate increases dramatically. Every shot this year has a inner green window where the green rate increases to above 50% or more for a multiple millisecond window.
- The Peak Green Rate represents a single 200 shot sample directly in the middle of the green window. Can the shot hit 100% of perfectly timed shots? The Peak Green Rate will tell you.
- 星級評分 - 我們的高級用戶可以對跳投進行 5 顆星的評級。我們顯示所有用戶的綜合評級,以幫助顯示我們社區最喜歡的跳投
- 評級 - 評價次數
NBA 2K25 Premium Jumpshot Timing Tool
Practice your jumpshot anywhere using our Custom Jumper Tool that matches the timing of each tested Custom Jump Shot in the game.
After completing our automated testing on a request custom jump shot we add it to this Jump Shot simulator tool so you can practice your jump shot timing on the site.
Try out a bunch of different shots without creating any builds. See how high of a green percentage you can shoot!
Adjust the Shot Timing Profile drop down to set your shot timing to Push, Release, Set Point or Jump.
Green Rate on the tool simulates green rate in the game. If you hit the center of the green window the odds of a green will match that jump shots Peak Green Rate from our custom table.
As you get further from the center the make rate drops from peak make rate to Middle Make Rate from the jumper table.
Getting even further from the center but still being inside the green window will result in the Average Make rate for the shot being the odds of that release being green. This value also comes from our Premium Jumper table metrics.
Every requested Custom Jump Shot that gets tested on the Premium side of the site will make it to this tool as well.

Best Motion Styles on 2K25
We have written a series of automated scripts to compare the movement speed of all the Motion Styles. We test categories like takeoff speed, top running speed and how long it takes to run the width of the court. We have data on running both with and without turbo.

如何在 NBA 2K24 中運球:使用 2KLab 運球工具!

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