Bully - 2k23 बैज

Bully - 2k23 Badge Video

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Bully - 2k23 Badge Details
From early playtests, this badge feels a little overpowered, but it takes a lot of investment into Strength to unlock it. Should be good for bigger wings or smaller Centers
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NBA2k23 Finishing Badges

Bully - 2k23

Bully - 2k23 Badge Description

Bully improves a player's ability to initiate contact and get to the rim on layups attempts
95 Strength Slashers
HOF Bully will be very effective against all defenders when driving. If you invested in 95 strength and have high finishing stats/badges take advantage of HOF Bully.
89-82 Strength Slashers
The difference in gold and silver bully is minimal based on our test. Silver bully gives you the most value in terms of cost for attributes and badge points. Silver Bully stacked with other slashing badges such as Pro Touch and Fearless Finisher will make you finish over most defenders.
74 Strength Slashers
Bronze Bully is a nice to have badge if you can get it. Though it is not necessary it will give you an edge on finishing over small defenders. When attacking against bigger defenders try to be more crafty instead of Bullying through them. Our results show that Bronze Bully is not effective against defenders with high interior and strength.
Bully - 2k23 Test Details

We tested each bully badge level against a variety of defenders with different strength and interior defense attributes. To collect the data we would dribble drive to the rim and Pro Stick layup towards the defender's body contact. After each of those interactions we would record the data to calculate the effectiveness of each bully badge level.

Bully - 2k23 Test Results

As you can see from the test results the Bully badge will dominate defenders who have low interior and strength. When you attack the rim against bigger defenders the effectiveness of Bully drops off pretty significantly at gold and lower badge levels. With the amount of attributes and badge points required to get Bully we recommend Silver Bully because it gives you the most value. The chart showcases each Bully badge level activation percentage against 3 different defenders. The Bully activation percentage varies based on each of the defenders attributes, as you can see in the chart.

Badge Unlock Table Details

This table shows how many attribute points you need in order to unlock a badge at the level in the header. If a badge is a Tier 1 badge you do not need any attributes in order to unlock the badge at a bronze level. If its Tier 2 or 3, you will need to meet the attribute threshold to unlock the badge. If there is more than one attribute listed, you only need to meet the threshold on one of the attributes, not multiple.

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