Guard Up - 2k23 बैज
Guard Up - 2k23 Badge Details
This badge will let shooters punisher defenders who do not use the right stick or jump to contest a shot. It will make "neighborhood" contests easier to hit.
Height | Tier | Height | Tier |
NBA2k23 Shooting Badges
Guard Up - 2k23
Guard Up - 2k23 Badge Description
Increases the ability to make jump shots when defenders fail to properly contest.
Primary Ball Handlers
Locks / Sharps
Guard Up - 2k23 Test Details
Guard up is not very practical when it comes to activation. The badge requires the defender to not put their hands up or jump but still provide a significant contest by being nearby. But for the test we took 200 jumpers per badge level throughout the green window with a defender close enough for a contest but with their hands down. We recorded the makes and misses to get the make percentage for each badge level
Guard Up - 2k23 Test Results
The badge actually gives a good boost when the activation occurs but the activation is so rare that we don't really recommend using the badge except for very specific play styles (moving mid range shots)
Attribute | Bronze | Silver | Gold | HoF |
Attribute Mid-Range Shot | Bronze 0 or 55 | Silver 69 | Gold 77 | HoF 86 |
Attribute Three-Point Shot | Bronze 0 or 60 | Silver 73 | Gold 83 | HoF 90 |
This table shows how many attribute points you need in order to unlock a badge at the level in the header. If a badge is a Tier 1 badge you do not need any attributes in order to unlock the badge at a bronze level. If its Tier 2 or 3, you will need to meet the attribute threshold to unlock the badge. If there is more than one attribute listed, you only need to meet the threshold on one of the attributes, not multiple.

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