Jumpshot Pure Green Window on NBA 2K25: Best Shooting Tips ビデオ

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Pure Green Window in NBA 2K25

what is good everybody and welcome to the NBA 2K lab Channel my name is Spill and in this video we'll be covering the burning question of whether or not there's a pure green window in NBA 2k2 this is probably the most important question when it comes to shooting every year last year at release the Deads from 2K said that there was a pure green window but when we tested it it was very hard to find eventually a patch was dropped and then the pure green window became much easier to identify when this patch dropped shooting percentages climbed dramatically as some of the best Shooters can now shoot above 80% from three and then on the flip side cheating with scripted inputs became a big problem for competitive players now we've been releasing custom jump shot test results including jump shot speed and green windows on the premium side of nba2k.com and these results are being posted without a pure green window this has led to some speculation around whether or not there's a pure green window in NBA 2k2 now our goal with this video is to explain how we think shooting works and why you might be missing more than you want I'll be explaining this through a series of charts so you can hopefully better understand how this works this video will be fairly quick but try not to skip ahead so you don't miss anything now let's get right into it this first chart on the screen shows two jump shot green Windows side by side and then shot one had the potential to green from 560 to 600 milliseconds and then shot two Ken from 570 to 610 these windows aren't exactly alike because the jump shot window can shift around slightly now this is the same two shots but with a vertical green bar representing a shot with a timing of 590 milliseconds and since this release timing falls in the window for both shots a 590 millisecond timing would green on both of this player's first two shots and I'm explaining it like this now so it's easier when I introduce the next chart so next we have a chart with four green Windows on it representing the player's first four shots as you can see our 590 millisecond timing would still green for all four of those shots but say you were to release at around 608 milliseconds represented by that last green line on the right side of the chart it would only be green for shots 2 and four even though the windows weren't too far off now you can just chalk that one up to Mis timing the shot and that's more of a user error but here's where the problem starts this next chart shows the green Windows of a player's first six shots as you can see the first four shots would be easily greenable if you had really good timing but as we get to shots 5 and six you can see the green Windows shift dramatically and those shot timings that would have been green on shots 1 through 4 are now considered early these shots will still have the same exact cue for the perfect release point but due to animations changing more the release May not feel the same and you really have to pay attention to your shot Q part of the reason why Rhythm shooting may feel more consistent is because you're forced to watch and follow the animation all the way through now after hitting our seventh shot we can prevent takeover from popping but once again we see the window so even when you get takeover the window can still move around so if you're were feeling like shot timings were inconsistent before this could be a big reason why our testing takes large sample sizes at specific millisecond times and then we record the result if the window is consistently moving around it would explain why our testing is not seeing a pure green window it's still entirely plausible that every shot does have a pure green window but because we can't see the exact target we're shooting at we can't prove it and a part of the reason why shooting is like this is to combat the cheaters our testing on this was done in blacktop on Superstar and it's also entirely possible that this shift occurs sooner in online modes now I hope this video helped everyone get a better understanding of how the pure green window and how shooting works if it did feel free to drop a like and I'll catch you guys in the next one later