Best Shooting Badges in NBA 2K23 : SAVE POINTS on Catch and ビデオ
Best Shooting Badges in NBA2K23

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Go to NBA2KLab YouTubeNBA2K23: What Badge Level Should I use for Catch and Shoot?
what is good everybody it is Spill here
and welcome back to another NBA 2K Lab
video and this one as you can see by the
title we'll be going over the catch and
shoot badge and we're gonna go over when
it does and doesn't activate and of
course as always go over the numbers at
each badge level we took 8 000 total
shots for this test to complete so the
least you could do is drop a like let's
see if we can get this video to 2 000
likes and since this is the catch and
shoot video If you're looking for a
jumper to go along with that badge you
can check out where you can
sign up to become a premium member and
get full access to all the green windows
and make percentages for all the jumpers
we've tested not to mention you can get
20 off your initial sign up using Code
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right into it
the definition for catch and shoot says
that for a short time after receiving a
pass the receiver's ability to knock
down threes gets a significant boost now
this match has been a staple in 2K for
years now and it's always provided a
solid boost especially for those
somewhat low rated Shooters with
anywhere from a 70 to 83 Point rating
catch a shoe obviously has a very
practical use case and it remains one of
the best shooting badges for spot up
players this badge doesn't stack with
the Limitless range badge but it can't
help with any non-limitless range 3 and
it also can work in the mid-range area
but only for very deep twos like in this
clip here where the shooter had his foot
on the line now Mike Lang had posted on
Reddit about your shooting ratings being
Blended in this hybrid Zone where both
mid-range and three-point rating are
applied to the shot and that's the Zone
where this badge can activate but it has
to be very deep twos now to test this
badge we took 200 shots for each 10
milliseconds throughout the green window
for each badge level and of course
without the badge for a total of 8 000
shots like I mentioned earlier and we
did this with an 81 3-point rating which
is the rating needed to unlock gold
catch and shoot now looking at the data
you can see bronze provides about a two
to three percent make increase from no
badge but when we go to the silver level
of the badge we can see a clear increase
by about five percent throughout the
entire green window now silver looks
really good off the bat and has the same
Center Green window as the gold level
and in theory the gold level should be a
great boost but when looking at the
chart it only shows a slight boost on
the earlier edges when compared to
Silver Hall of Fame shows an all-around
boost throughout the entire green window
and when compared to no badge we can see
a total make increase of about 10
percent with the increase over the gold
level is maybe only about two percent
now if you can afford it on Hall of Fame
it's probably worth taking if you have a
lot of badge points and you get a lot of
catch and shoot opportunities but it is
pretty costly we recommended the silver
level last year and this year is
actually no different as the Boost is
great for the investment but keep in
mind this is a tier 2 badge for all
builds up to six seven and a tier 3
badge for all build six eight and taller
that means it's a heavier investment for
taller players but at least you know you
can save some badge points by keeping it
on Silver now that is all we have for
the catch and shoot video I hope you
helped and if it did be sure to leave a
like and if you made it this far in the
video comment down below what level of
cash and shoot you plan on using this
year thanks for watching guys it is
Spill and I will catch you in the next
one later